Houses of Style and Inspiration
9.08K February 11, 2020

A Tropical House by Stanley Savio

The latest from architect Stanley Savio, founder of architecture and interior Gappetto : a modern tropical house with a massive vertical garden fashionably linked to all rooms.

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7.22K December 23, 2019

Harmonious Tone with Nature Scene

d-associates presents the latest dream house in South Jakarta : a house with two massive structures connected in the middle by a tubular like structure.

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7.60K November 14, 2019

A Classy Charm With Modern Vibes

Perpaduan gaya klasik dan modern menjadi benang merah dalam konsep interior hunian yang dirancang oleh Linda Yuliana, HelloEmbryo. Penonjolan detail dan tekstur khusus menjadi highlight di setiap ruang.

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8.83K November 8, 2019

Mandala View

A breathtaking dream house by Emmo and Narcisse Italiaander with a magnificent view of the Borobudur temple, Java Island.

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7.45K August 20, 2019

InterContinental Lyon Hotel Dieu: Grand Architecture With Marvelous contemporary Interiors by Jean−Phillipe Nuel

InterContinental Lyon Hotel Dieu: grand architecture with marvelous contemporary interiors by Jean−Phillipe Nuel

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8.50K July 26, 2019

Omah Rinjani by Severiano (Part.2)

Rumah Rinjani in Malang is the latest exploration for interior designer Severiano, founder of Domus Living Studio. An old colonial-style house with breathtaking interiors.

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10.78K July 26, 2019

Omah Rinjani by Severiano (Part.1)

Rumah Rinjani in Malang is the latest exploration by interior designer Severiano, founder of Domus Living Studio. An old colonial-style house with breathtaking interiors.

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7.25K July 23, 2019

Serene Ambience with a Classic Twist

Terbaru dari desainer Christine Awaloei dan Elvin Tan di District 8 Apartment, Tower Eternity di Senopati, Jakarta mencerminkan sentuhan klasik bergaya modern

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6.07K July 10, 2019

A Fascinating Historical Building by Maurizio Pellizzoni

Maurizio Pellizoni brings out the essence of historical ambience with luxury elements of style.

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11.93K November 8, 2018

An American Classic with French Flair by Genius Loci

An American Classic with French Flair by Genius Loci showing the awesomeness of luxury living as you could imagine with out the elements of ‘bling-bling’.

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