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2.90K 07/08/2019


Alenka & Margo has introduced the Sabha Series which was chosen as a best seller collection made from Rhodium instead of silver. At the same time they also presented AM X Hanna, a collective collaboration with Hanna Faridl.

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2.85K 07/08/2019

Bekraf with ICINC Goes to New York Now 2019

Bekraf kembali memeriahkan pagelaran dagang terbesar di Amerika Serikat, NY Now. Edisi tahun 2019 ini. Memperkenalkan beragam label lokal dari kriya hingga fashion pilihan untuk mewakili Indonesia.

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3.79K 07/08/2019

Sunglasses - Raito 2019 Collection by Hermawan Chandra

Raito 2019 Collection by Hermawan Chandra dilansir di Jakarta dengan 7 kacamata terbaru yang menyuarakan spirit millennial yang aktif, dinamis dan serta tanggap bersosial media.

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3.07K 06/08/2019

The Launch of Cattelan Italia by Melandas in Jakarta

Peluncuran Cattelan Italia by Melandas berlangsung tanggal 7 August 2019 melibatkan kolaborasi 4 desainer Indonesia yaitu Eko Priharseno, Kezia Karin, Alex Bayusaputro, dan Reza Wahyudi (Bobos) dan Interior Landscaper Amalya Hasibuan pendiri Eschol Green.

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5.12K 06/08/2019

TWG Tea Introducing Tea Infused Cocktails and Mocktails

Something bold and new from TWG Tea : tea infused cocktails and mocktails. Extend your imagination with these deliciously fun drinks : Prestige Cocktail, Golden Spirit, Ruby Berry, White Sky or Morrocon Mint Virgin Mojito dan Dulcet Rose.

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3.41K 06/08/2019

Gucci Opens First Jewelry Boutique in Place Vendôme

Gucci menyampaikan semarak cerita terbarunya dalam dunia high jewelry melalui butik perhiasan perdana di Place Vendôme. Menoreh sejarah baru bagi rumah mode Gucci memasuki ranah perhiasan berkelas premium.

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2.52K 06/08/2019

Dior - The Black Ultra Matte Bag

Saatnya merayakan warna agung yang serba misterius : warna hitam. Dior baru saja melansir ketiga tas ikoniknya dalam material baru black ultra-matte yang menonjolkan kesan misterius namun masih dalam dialog eleganitas khas Dior.

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3.69K 05/08/2019

A New Line for Hermès ‘Heure H’ Watch

Heure H, jam tangan ikonik Hermès, rancangan Philippe Mouquet mendapat satu cerita baru : desain terbaru dan tambahan straps double tour, rancangan Martin Magiela, dalam sentuhan yang unik dan modernitas.

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4.01K 05/08/2019

Objets Hermès (Hermès Objects) – Fall/Winter 2019

The Hermès Objets collection for Fall-Winter 2019 still has colorful, flawless characteristics, and in each of its products exudes a charming passion.

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4.13K 05/08/2019

Qeeboo: Giraffe in Love XS

Qeeboo XS version of the Giraffe in Love by Marcantonio, lighter, smaller also easier to move, the indoor floor lamp is designed to create magic for every room in the house.

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