Versace with Luxury Living Group and Roberto Palomba and Ludovica Serafini present an installation at Milan Design Week 2022, with their comprehensive home collection and all new outdoor line.
read moreSerunya koleksi terbaru Promemoria yang hadir dengan desain yang terinspirasi oleh keanggunan gurun Sahel.
read moreDolce & Gabbana debuted at Milan Design Week 2022 by announcing the opening of the world’s first two boutiques dedicated to the world of furniture in Milan.
read moreSimak konsep kemegahan Flexform showroom perdana di kota desain Milan. Digarap apik oleh Antonio Citterio bersama firma arsitek ternamanya.
read moreBD Barcelona Design X Jamie Hayon kembali merilis produk dari lini Monkey Collection, Monkey Coat Stand, masih dalam nuansa unik dan humoris.
read moreBarovier&Toso memperkenalkan koleksi terbaru, Magritte Chandelier, yang terinspirasi dari seniman ternama abad 20-an, Magritte.
read moreProudly presents Teno by Lumio was just awarded two of the highest awards at Red Dot: Best of the Best 2022, one for product design and one for innovative products that featured in Milan Design Week 2022.
read morePhilipp Plein X Zambaiti Parati menghasilkan sederet koleksi wallpaper terbaru dengan desain dan texture mewah, siap menyajikan keanggunan unik di setiap sudut ruangan Anda.
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