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2.80K 27/06/2019

Flos’ Noctambule by Konstantin Grcic

Flos’ Noctambule lamp by Konstantic Grcic is a sculptural light made of cylindrical see-through glass modules that can be interconnected to create floor and pendant lamps. The collection is now available.

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3.91K 27/06/2019

Romualdo Locatelli: An artistic voyage from Rome, the Eternal City to Bali, the Island of the Gods

The Italian Institute of Culture in Jakarta in collaboration with the Locatelli Art Association launched the new monograph entitled “An artistic voyage from Rome, the Eternal city to Bali, the Isle of Gods" on the Italian renowned painter, Romualdo Locatelli at National Gallery Indonesia, June 22th 2019.

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2.69K 27/06/2019

20th anniversary of Dior Joaillerie – Gem Dior

Koleksi terbaru dari Dior Joaillerie, ‘Gem Dior’, menyisipkan keindahan kontemporer a la kaleidoskop yang indah dan penuh warna, yang juga sebagai perayaan 20 tahun rumah perhiasaan ini.

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3.06K 26/06/2019

MisuraEmme @CasaCor Sao Paolo 2019

MisuraEmme participates in CASACOR São Paulo, an exhibition aimed at architects, designers, and landscapers, which takes place from 28 May to 4 August of this year at the Jockey Club in San Paolo.

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3.42K 26/06/2019

SK-II: Web Beauty Entertainment by PITERA™ Masterclass

Now we can see an web beauty entertainment for skincare product in comedic way, yup, SK-II with New PITERA™ Masterclass which featured James Corden and Naomi Watanabe.

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3.36K 25/06/2019

Preciosa Debuts Carousel of Light at Euroluce 2019

Preciosa mengajak pengunjung Euroluce 2019 untuk menikmati indahnya instalasi mengesankan, dengan desain sensorik, berjudul ‘Carousel of Light’.

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2.11K 25/06/2019

Preciosa 2019 : Siren Table Lamp

Bentuk lonceng klasik lampu meja Siren terbaru dari Preciosa menawarkan estetika klasik dengan pendaraan cahaya yang lembut.

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2.18K 24/06/2019

Chairs & More – Salone del Mobile.Milano 2019

Pesta interior dan desain Salone del Mobile, Milan 2019 turut dimeriahkan oleh penampilan koleksi terbaru dari Chairs & More dalam kolaborasinya bersama para desainer ternama.

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2.03K 24/06/2019

Kartell X Bio-On for Salone del Mobile.Milano 2019

Komitmen 'Kartell Loves The Planet' dibuktikan dengan meluncurkan produk perdana yang '100% sustainable' yaitu Componibile. Terbuat dari produk ramah lingkungan, menggunakan bahan inovatif bioplastik alami 100% dari Bio – On.

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3.48K 21/06/2019

DIOR HOMME ÉTÉ 2020 – Live Stream at 11 PM Jakarta Time (21 June 2019)

Enjoy live stream Dior Homme été 2020, the latest Menswear Collection from Kim Jones. Start at 11 PM, 21 June 2019 - Jakarta Time or 18.00PM - Paris Time.

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