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Published by Sugar & Cream, Monday 15 May 2023

Images courtesy of Liu Jo Living

Coffee Table & Side Table with A Strong Aesthetic Impact

Liu Jo Living’s Meduse, like the aquatic animal of the same name that casually follows the ocean current, in their physiognomy, do not resist the flow of change and, in the versatility of this same change, follow the taste and philosophy of those who choose them for their interior design project.

It is precisely the bangs, from which one can guess the supporting structure equipped with a hidden shelf, that make Meduse an iconic and functional piece of furniture with a strong aesthetic impact. In the living room designed by Simone Cagnazzo for Liu Jo Living, Meduse becomes the fulcrum of moments of relationship and sharing, fundamental for a daily living that is sincere in its being.

Coffee table, which is lower and wider, and a Side table, intended as a logical continuation of the sofa armrest, Meduse is an ideal tabletop. Designed to have a dual nature, it does not take up too much space in the living area and gives all its practicality as a container for small objects that you prefer to have at hand, but not in sight.

Presented by Zipblind

An icon of conviviality, Meduse was born from the combination of a wood veneer top-available in natural ash and carbon ash-with the textile detail of the trimmings that harkens back to the decorative element of bourgeois drawing rooms.

A true marriage of classic and modern to remind us that contemporary design is rooted in history. The same history that, today, can give new meaning to an ancient reflection: just as the legend tells us of a Medusa whose beauty has been taken away but who has not lost strength and elegance, the contemporary Medusa designed by Simone Cagnazzo welcomes that fascinating concept of metamorphosis to reinterpret it in a continuous transformation guaranteed by the ease of a change, not of dress, but of fringe. The tripolino decoration can change and appear in four variants that recall the strength of beauty always under the banner of sustainability. A concern for the environment demands an ability to adapt to new production processes.

Coulisse | INKZipblind & VF