Houses of Style and Inspiration

Inspired Art Homes


Text by Hermawan Kurnianto, photography courtesy of APR.

Monday 09 January 2017

Gérard Faivre Paris, kreator konsep Art Homes, tengah merevolusi pasar properti mewah di Paris. Menawarkan apartemen bertaraf high-end dan siap huni, Gérard Faivre Paris mengombinasikan desain berkelas dengan kenyamanan dan teknologi terkini.

Elemen signature dari desain Gérard Faivre – sekaligus menjadi tantangannya adalah ia tidak pernah menampilkan pengulangan dalam hal desain interior. Menurutnya, setiap klien memiliki keunikan, dan keunikan ini harus terefleksikan di huniannya. Gérard Faivre membaurkan nuansa tradisional dan kontemporer di setiap proyek yang digarapnya untuk memesona klien.

Alcide - leather ottoman by O.Moon for Podora, Glitter - mirror Coffee table by Porada, Two mannequins by Stockman.

Kecantikan Avenue Montaigne dan Champs Elysées di Paris menginspirasi Gérard Faivre untuk menginjeksikan elemen haute couture ke dalam hunian rancangannya; mencuatkan kemewahan dan mengakomodir kebutuhan klien seperti halnya yang dilakukan para desainer fashion Prancis lewat kreasi mereka.

Curtains by les Ateliers Caffins, fabric from Dedar, Soffio - ivory glass pendant light suspended above the table by Zonca, On the coffee table: (Galtier , Dentelle , Hat ) sandstone sculptures by de Marie Juge, Bala Hi and Bala Ho - coffee tables, marble top, by Jaime Hayon for Sé London, Stay - contemporary sofa by Nika Zupanc from Sé, LondoN, Well Matched Couple - bronze sculpture by Chen Ting-Hung from Gallery Chuan in Taiwan.

Untuk apartemen bergaya Haussmann ini, Gérard Faivre merevisi floor plan, serta menciptakan layout baru dan keseimbangan sempurna pada tiga kamar dan dua suite yang berada di antaranya. Setiap suite memiliki sebuah kamar tidur, kamar mandi, dan kamar ganti terpisah.

Falter II - by Mona Andeleanu, oil on canvas, from Oneiro’s Gallery (Paris), Genua - rug from Sahrai.

Gérard Faivre menggunakan ragam material berkualitas tinggi yang semakin menguatkan spirit haute couture. Marmer dapat ditemukan kamar mandi, kitchen worktop, dan coffee table di lounge. Kaca dan kristal yang menangkap cahaya secara anggun; digunakan pada lampu gantung dan lampu dinding, botol parfum, dan kenop pintu. Kulit pada sofa dan tempat tidur. Cermin di berbagai furnitur custom seperti pedestal table dan dresser.


Tidak hanya itu, Gérard Faivre juga menggaungkan haute couture secara subtil melalui fabric pada sofa, armchair, dan wardrobe, serta melalui wallpaper. Sementara dalam hal penyajian warna, Gérard Faivre terinspirasi oleh skema warna Grand Couturiers (hitam, putih, abu-abu, beige) untuk menciptakan kesan chic elegance dan suasana penuh ketenangan.

Curtains by les Ateliers Caffins, fabric from Dedar, Le Corbusier - wallpaper by Arte. Gérard Faivre liked the way this wallpaper looked like buttons stitched together, Catena - rug by Sahrai, Photos: Adèle - from the Whispers series, by Emmanuelle Bousquet, Flute - table, black glass top, by Jaime Hayon for Sé London, Stay - chairs by Nika Zupanc for Sé London restyled by Gérard Faivre with (Short-Cuts) fabric in silver (Dédar), Graffite - Limoges porcelain plates by Legle, Cuisine (Xila) kitchen by Boffi Kitchen, Paris.

Melalui seni konseptual yang meliputi objek-objek dekoratif seperti lukisan, pahatan, dan mantel bulu, Gérard Faivre membuat suguhan desain mengalir dengan konsistensi dari kamar yang satu ke kamar lainnya. Area main entry juga tidak luput dari sentuhan desain Gérard Faivre untuk merefleksikan sebuah hallway elegan dalam rumah haute couture; cermin-cermin yang membangun mood interior, karpet dengan pola ‘houndstooth’, manekin, dan ottoman dari kulit.

Four (Fiore) white glass wall lights by Alessandra Zonca, Bretagne - black leather and fabric sofa by R&D for Poltronafrau. Gérard Faivre added a personal touch by adding (Cherie) fabric, reminiscent of the stylings of Coco Chanel, Fiorile - marble coffee table by Roberto Lazzeroni for Poltronafrau, Caralis - rug from Sahrai, On the coffee table: ceramics from Bitossi; a (Vortex) granite sculpture by Catherine Arnaud – for Gérard Faivre this sculpture symbolises the fold of a dress.
Archibald - black leather armchair by Jean Marie Massaud for Poltronafrau, Frames and et (Chihuahua dogs), shining like a diamond from ICD Collections, Jardin Andalou - candle and home fragrance by Christian Lacroix for Welton London, Carrousel - clock by Haoshi (Taiwan).
Painting (Zwibel III), by Mona Andeleanu, oil on canvas, from Oneiro’s Gallery (Paris)
Glitter - mirror coffee table from Porada, Ceramic from Bitossi, A large mirror to hide the TV (Jacques Alti)
Carpet by Ege, Brubeck - tube wall lights, by Delightfull
Painting (Cérémonie K 3) photo by Véronique Chanteau, dressing with traditional kimono wedding, Beauty - mirror dressing table by Opera Design for Porada, Dido Lampade - lampby Jean marie Massaud for Poltronafrau, Decorative crystal bottle for perfume by Paul Negel, Vintage bottle for perfume from (Jadis boutique) in Vichy, Andalousian Garden’s collection - candle and perfume atmosphere by Christian Lacroix for Welton London Shelf level in black glass by (Jacques Alti).
With marble floor from Palatino, Burlesque - wall paper by Christian Benini for Wall and Deco. This wall paper was chosen to recall the kind of lace used by Balenciaga and lingerie designer Chantal Thomass, Mirrors from Agape, Cartesio - Corian bath, from Agape, Evo - Corian washbasin from Agape,
Andalusian Garden‘s collection - Candle by Christian Lacroix for Welton London, Leather and stainless steel stool from Archibath, Nice crystal bottle for perfume by Paul Negel, Towels and robes from Rodrilinea, Baths products by Hermes, Accessories from Archibath, “Bird” clock by HAOSHI in Taiwan
Carpet floor by (Ege), 4 appliques (Sogni) with black fabric (Zonca), Window dressing curtains made from Dedar fabric, created by the Ateliers Caffins, Wall behind the bed decorated with Kefia wallpaper design (Pied de Poule) Wall and Deco.
“East Beauty II”, 2009, photo by Serge Guerand from the Gallery Lumas in Paris, Fabric pouffe by O.Moon or Podora, Vide poche - sculpture by Quatre Points Création, Monogrammed towels and robes from Rodrilinea), Bath products by Hermès.
Mirror from Agape, Oval Corian washbasin from Agape, Accessories from Archibath, Ottocento - bath from Agape, Decorative crystal bottle for perfume by Paul Negel.
01 Well Matched Couple - bronze sculpture by Chen Ting-Hung from Gallery Chuan in Taiwan 02 Mondrian and Drapee - sandstone sculpture by Marie Juge 03 Sandstone sculptures by de Marie Juge 04 Turbulence - granite sculpture by Catherine Arnaud