Houses of Style and Inspiration
3.41K November 24, 2015

Beach Therapy

Salah satu lokasi pesta terbaik di muka bumi ditepi pantai yang sarat daya pukau di Ibiza berdiri kondominium milik desainer Christian Audigier.

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3.60K November 21, 2015

Whimsical Attraction

Creative Director rumah mode Christian Lacroix, Sacha Walckhoff, menuangkan jati dirinya yang teatrikal nan eksentrik pada huniannya.

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3.68K November 14, 2015

European Twist

To create this amazing apartment, Gabriel & Guillaume traveled extensively in search of vintage and contemporary pieces from flea markets to galleries.

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3.36K November 6, 2015

The London Townhouse

Spanning over four floors and boasting an impressive 260 square meters, the London Townhouse is situated in the historical of London.

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3.21K November 6, 2015

The Stunning Chateau Gutsch

Chateau Gutsch di Swiss kini dibuka kembali setelah renovasi total oleh Interior Designer Martyn Lawrence Bullard.

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5.31K October 31, 2015

A Bold Manhattan-Inspired Residence

Travis Walton has struck the artful balance when designing the Leopold St residence.

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5.62K October 31, 2015

Easy Elegance

Easy and comfortable living, menjadi konsep dasar yang diusung desainer interior Prasetio Budhi untuk apartemen di Senopati ini.

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6.86K October 31, 2015

An Island Affair

This contemporary two story house in Ibiza near the town Sant Josep de sa Talaia is the latest project by Patrice and Jean Marc.

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4.86K October 31, 2015

A Collector Apartment

Larut di antara koleksi antik dan kontemporer, sebuah pencapaian kualitas hidup yang penuh passion tergurat dari sebuah apartemen artsy di Hong Kong.

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3.13K October 30, 2015

Eclectic Wonder

Menghadirkan perspektif berbeda pada hunian di Vietnam, Bruno de Caumont menawarkan gaya whimsical lewat warna bold dan detail exquisite.

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