Houses of Style and Inspiration
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Images courtesy of Xavier Loup Studio.

Friday 17 March 2023

An Exclusive Interview with Xavier Loup

Humans are forming increasingly closer relationships with their surroundings, so that in interior
design, outdoors and indoors become one and the same. In other words, there are no more
boundaries. Xavier Loup has always been successful in creating harmony between humans, nature
and their surrounding objects. He implements his love of nature and contemporary in a landscaping
style with a flexible, fluid design, adapted to taste and environmental conditions.

Xavier Loup

As an Art Director and Landscape Architect, Xavier pays a lot of attention to the balance of
decorative and natural elements. Xavier Loup Studio carefully selects large trees on site. He
individually designs furniture made of innovative materials to complement the entire project. Not a single detail within the design composition escapes the designer’s careful attention. In each
landscape composition, Xavier is able to create a calm energy with his modern “storytelling.”

After his initial education at the Parisian ESAJ school (École Supérieure d’Architecture des Jardins—National Gardens Architecture Superior School), Xavier gained extensive experience in European landscaping. Currently, he is expanding in Asia, specifically Southeast Asia. After several years living in Bali, he has completed many projects in Indonesia, including Intiland Grande Surabaya, Métis Restaurant Bali as well as the Hydrogen and Padma Group.

Presented by Som Santoso

Recently, the editor-in-chief of Sugar & Cream met with Xavier Loup during a private visit to Jakarta from Bali.

In order to get to know him better, the writer spoke to Xavier Loup in an exclusive interview.

1. What is your landscape style?
The idea is not to see a small garden as a small garden. Instead, see it as a sculpture that will fill the whole area and fill each corner with enough plants to create the idea. The accumulation of these plants will create their own volume so people will focus on “the big statement.” The balance between the lines, organic shapes and repetition is our signature. Our creations are based on a vision that always appears timeless with a purpose and storytelling that can be twisted according to current trends.

Showroom Garden, Belgium
Metis Garden, Bali

2. How do you harmonize the indoor and outdoor areas, especially in tropical countries?

The main goal is to always provide the best experience in the outdoor area, making the outdoor area as comfortable as the indoor area. Bringing the outdoor area indoors, the indoor area outdoors. Creating a balance and timeless atmosphere in every corner.

In tropical countries, my favourite references are Koh Samui and Umah JEMPIRING, both of which are in Southeast Asia. From the start, we created a simple open space concept with good air circulation. This is why we created a connection between indoors and outdoors.

The material we use must be simple so that it does not disturb the spatial arrangements and can
display the identity of each space. We choose trees and plants to indulge the senses and provide a
sense of calm.

Trocadero Rooftop, Paris

3. Have you experienced a change in aesthetics since you’ve been in Southeast Asia?

In Europe, we include a lot of sensibilities through colours and smells from a four-season garden in
our designs. Meanwhile, in Southeast Asia, we use more “poetry” or, even more interestingly, we
include natural colours in the indoor area. We also explore more elements from nature with the
assistance of local craftsmen or master artists.

4. Name your 5 favourite creations.

Fuego and Jardin Atlas in Indonesia
Villa Kayana in Thailand

Villa Kayana

Uccle Residence in Europe

Uccle Residence

The villa on the lake in Bahrain

The villa on the lake

5. Symmetrical or freestyle?

We perfect the balance of perspective, organic shapes and volume through the interplay of light and
shade. I believe these are all essential elements in all our creations.

6. Describe your creations in 5 words.

Volume, Organic, Savoir-faire, Vibrant and Natural.

Jayagiri Residence, Bali

7. The project you are currently working on!

Fuego and Jardin Atlas in Semarang


In An Exclusive Interview With Xavier Loup

Kedekatan manusia dengan lingkungan semakin erat membuat hubungan antara area outdoor dan indoor dalam interior kian menyatu atau sudah tidak ada batasan lagi. Sebagaimana Xavier Loup yang selalu sukses mengharmonisasikan manusia dengan alam dan objek di sekitarnya. Kecintaannya akan alam dan desain kontemporer diimplementasikan pada gaya landscaping dengan desain yang luwes dan mencair menyesuaikan kepekaan rasa dan kondisi lingkungan.

Xavier Loup

Sebagai Art Director dan Landscape Architects, Xavier sangat memerhatikan keseimbangan antara dekorasi dan alam. Pohon-pohon besar dipilih on site satu per satu oleh Xavier Loup Studio. Furnitur bermaterial inovatif dirancang sendiri untuk menyelaraskan keseluruhan proyek. Setiap detil komposisi tidak luput dari perhatian khusus dari sang desainer. Setiap komposisi karya lansekap Xavier mampu membangkitkan energi ketenangan dengan sebuah ‘story telling’ yang kekinian.

Menempuh pendidikan di Paris’ ESAJ school (Ecole Supérieure d’Architecture des Jardins – National Gardens Architecture Superior School), Xavier sangat berpengalaman di bidang landscaping Eropa. Kini ia merambah ke kawasan Asia, khususnya Asia Tenggara. Setelah beberapa tahun menetap di Bali, ia sudah menyelesaikan banyak proyek di Indonesia, di antaranya Intiland Grande Surabaya, Métis Restaurant Bali, Hydrogen dan Padma Group.

Presented by Som Santoso

Belum lama ini editor in chief Sugar & Cream bertemu dengan Xavier Loup dalam kunjungan privat ke Jakarta dari Bali.

Untuk mengenalnya lebih jauh, penulis melakukan wawancara khusus dengan Xavier Loup.

1. Seperti apa gaya lansekap Anda?
Idenya adalah tidak menganggap taman kecil sebagai taman yang kecil. Tapi anggaplah sebagai sebuah sculpture atau pahatan yang akan mengisi seluruh area dan isi setiap sudut dengan cukup tanaman untuk mewujudkan ide tersebut. Akumulasi dari tanaman-tanaman ini akan menciptakan volume tersendiri yang membuat orang lebih fokus ke “the big statement”. Keseimbangan antara lines, organic shape, dan repetisi menjadi signature kami. Visi dari kreasi kami adalah selalu tampil timeless with a purpose dan story telling yang bisa di-twist dengan tren terkini.

Showroom Garden, Belgium
Metis Garden, Bali

2. Bagaimana Anda mengharmonisasikan area indoor dan outdoor terutama di negara-negara tropis?

Tujuan utamanya selalu memberikan pengalaman terbaik tinggal di area outdoor senyaman berada di area indoor. Membawa area outdoor ke dalam, dan area indoor ke luar. Menciptakan keseimbangan dan atmosfer timeless di tiap sudutnya.

Di negara tropis, referensi favorit saya adalah Koh Samui dan Umah JEMPIRING, keduanya terletak di Asia Tenggara. Sejak mula kami membangun perspektif ruang terbuka yang simple dengan sirkulasi udara yang baik. Karenanya, kami menciptakan koneksi antara area indoor dan outdoor-nya.

Material yang digunakan harus yang sederhana agar tidak mengganggu tatanan ruang dan dapat menunjukkan identitas setiap ruangan. Tanaman dan pohon-pohon yang dipilih akan memanjakan semua indera dan memberi ketenangan. Menghubungkan manusia dengan tempat dan objek adalah kunci terciptanya the true living spaces yang harmoni.


Trocadero Rooftop, Paris

3. Dampak perubahan estetika ketika Anda berada di Asia Tenggara?

Di Eropa, kami membawa lebih banyak sensibilitas melalui warna dan wewangian dari perkebunan empat musim ke dalam desain. Sementara di Asia Tenggara, kami lebih banyak menggunakan “poetry” agar lebih menarik, kami membawa warna-warna natural alam ke area indoor. Kami juga banyak mengeksplorasi elemen natural dari alam semesta dengan bantuan craftmanship lokal dan seniman ahli.

4. Sebutkan 5 karya Anda yang paling disukai

Fuego dan Jardin Atlas di Indonesia
Villa Kayana di Thailand

Villa Kayana

Uccle Residence di Eropa

Uccle Residence

The villa on the lake di Bahrain

The villa on the lake

5. Simetris atau gaya bebas?

Keseimbangan dari perspektif, organic shapes, dan volume disempurnakan dengan permainan cahaya serta bayangan. Saya percaya itu semua adalah hal-hal esensial yang ada di seluruh kreasi kami.

6. Deskripsikan dalam 5 kata tentang karya-karya Anda.

Volume, Organic, Savoir-faire, Vibrant, dan Natural.

Jayagiri Residence, Bali

7. Proyek yang sedang Anda selesaikan saat ini!

Fuego and Jardin Atlas di Semarang.
