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Published by Sugar & Cream, Friday 03 June 2022

Images courtesy of Masterly-The Dutch in Milano

 At Palazzo Francesco Turati, Milan: June 7-12, 2022

Masterly -The Dutch in Milano– celebrates its SIXTH edition to coincide with the SIXTIETH anniversary of the Salone del Mobile. The historic headquarters of Palazzo Francesco Turati in the heart of Milan, again welcomes Dutch designers, artists, artisans, companies. Curated and founded by Nicole Uniquole, Masterly has become a cornerstone of the Fuorisalone and a favourite amongst public and press.

Nicole Uniquole

Studio Stefan Scholten for BN International – The Marker Wallpaper Collection

When envisioning the debut of Masterly in 2016, Nicole Uniquole had the ambition of merging innovation, craftsmanship, and artistic and industrial expertise into a quintessential Dutch showcase to be held in a historic location in the world capital of design”. This statement from the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Italy, Willem Van Ee, still effectively summarises the spirit of Masterly today. This is why it can count on the continued support from the Embassy and the Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Italy.

Tess van Zalinge

The Grand Courtyard, the beating heart of Masterly, this year hosts a dreamlike installation. Among the Dutch orchids adorning the courtyard for the second time, thin iron animals peep out. This colourful and poetic presence is the “Animal Factory”, work by designer Luca Boscardin. Garden toys for children whose essential traits transform into sculptures are inviting contemplation

Marco Lopulalan | Studio Lawrence to Gather armchair | Vonn Jansen – Synchron console

From the Cortile d’Onore the path unfolds through the solo exhibitions on the ground floor. Here you find FritsJurgens, Van Besouw, Monasch by Best Wool, Blok & Carina, BN International under the art direction of Stefan Scholten, Halle Design, Osiris Hertman, and Bibi Smit, among the many return exhibitors. Highlights are also some new entries from the Dutch scene: furniture and upholstery brand Studio Lawrence, Atelier Robotiq with its ethereal lamps in synthetic fibre, designer Kees Marcelis’ new lighting objects, and Marco Lopulalan with his exquisite glass vases, made with a rediscovered Dutch artisan technique dating back to the 1920s. Companies like MONDiLAB, My Suncruiser, and Sodalime with the glass objects of its “Dichroic Collection” are also featured here.

Aectual Studio – Origami Floral Partition Screen | 75B Designers 21st Century Heraldry of Italy Milano tapestry

Among the new entries, one will resonate especially with the Italian public: it is the work of 75B. This Rotterdam studio has created a series of tapestries dedicated to Italian cities, with their modern reinterpretation of the Cities’ Coat of Arms, choosing the respective characteristic symbols, wisely and with irony.

Presented by Som Santoso

On the Ground Floor patio a dynamic three-part setting: outdoor kitchens by Pillen Group, seats designed by Kullar and coated with ‘green’ coatings by Cooloo, a company that has embraced the model of the circular economy, and the bronze sculptures by artist Nancy Faas.

Carpets for Buildings | Luca Boscardin – Animal Factory | Studio Elise Luttik- Ballerina table lamp | Lola van Praag Textile Art Collection

Via the grand staircase, you set out to discover the installations on the First Floor. The first encounter here is with Claudy Jongstra‘s new project, “Weved”. With this work, the renowned artist and designer returns to the manufacturing tradition of wool processing, which in recent years has almost disappeared in the Netherlands. Masterly proudly presents the official Preview of the first two products, developed in collaboration with the new social design brand Regained and Studio Floris Schoonderbeek.

Continuing the route, in the large bright gallery that precedes the historic rooms, you come across the works of the students of the HMC Vocational College. It is worth noting the space occupied by this vocational college for craftsmen and designers, not just physically. Ever since the first edition, the college has presented the works of its best students, who are trained in furniture and seating design, as well as shoes and millinery.

Main Courtyard

In the Sale Nobili, the setting has been created under the direction of Nicole Uniquole. She invited Bert Timmermans, designer of the Workingbert brand, to create graphics inspired by the tapestries of these rooms. The graphic motif is printed by Blok Plaatmateriaal and Abet Laminati on the surface of the tables displaying the objects.

Immerse in a wide variety of original works: the 3D printed screens by Aectual, the “Ballerina” lamp by Studio Elise Luttik, the small greenhouses by Atelier René Knip, the clothes of the young fashion designer Tess van Zalinge, and the inlaid furniture by the up and coming brand Vonn Jansen. It doesn’t end here! Textiles by Taftique, those by designer Lola van Praag, bags by Patrizia Donà, textile tiles by Carpets for Buildings, the museum showcase by designer Karel Bodegom, and the “Chimaera” glass collection by Barbara Nanning all offer their unique design perspectives.

Masterly Events
In the panorama of the Fuorisalone, Masterly stands out with its attention to detail, its exceptional level of organisation, and mostly for its warm welcome embracing each visitor that crosses the threshold of the Palazzo. Certainly another defining element are the Masterly Events included in its Milanese agenda: now real Milano Design Week traditions.

Palazzo Francesco Turati Salotto azzurro

The Architects’ Breakfast, which takes place on Wednesday mornings, is certainly one of these. It provides a unique opportunity for all international architects and designers invited, to listen to leading figures in Dutch design. This year’s keynote speaker is Lidewij Edelkoort, probably the most famous trend forecaster in the world, with a conference entitled “Material Revelations”. (Masterly-The Dutch in Milano)

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