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Published by Sugar & Cream, Friday 18 February 2022

Image courtesy of Nemo Lighting

The Inauguration Of Nemo Virtual Museum

Nemo inaugurates Nemo Virtual Museum with an exhibition by Luca Baldocchi (SodlabStudio) entitled NFT: NOT FOR TODAY.

From February 18th to February 26th, 2022
Nemo Virtual Museum accessible to everyone.

“We are surrounded by information – more or less contradictory – about metaverse, cryptocoins and NFTs. It is complex to find the right route and even more difficult to predict any future trend. However, this new virtuality has forcefully entered our daily lives. Trying to understand and use these new assets is not an option. Like all new lands, we must explore them prudently,’ explains Federico Palazzari, CEO of Nemo.

The company’s name has always been linked to a character who represents the desire to explore hidden worlds: Captain Nemo. Nemo’s DNA is based on following in his footsteps.  Understanding the present and interpreting the future has always been one of the company’s goals, and its collections, displays and communication tools reflect this aim. Therefore Nemo came up with the idea of a permanent virtual exhibition space. Not a substitute for human relations, but an alternative tool, in some cases used as an accessory, in others with a more central role.

The result is the Nemo Virtual Museum, a place where ideas, designers and collections are exhibited in a global and direct way, a symbolic vernissage with the works of the Digital Art Designer Luca, who over the years has developed a strong sensitivity in 3D art and design projects.

Presented by Zipblind

The title of the exhibition, NFT: NOT FOR TODAY, is representative of the company’s approach to this new reality, which needs to be studied and interpreted in order to kick off a new area that will be regularly timetabled. Luca Baldocchi uses Nemo’s icons in a metaphysical key and exhibits unseen digital works in the new metamuseum, the first experiment specifically conceived for the exhibition and interaction of the virtual artworks.

Luca states: “This project allows me to merge different components that are not immediately related to each other: art, design and technology. And at the same time express myself with the tools and the creativity that are an intrinsic feature of my daily life”.

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