Published by Sugar & Cream, Tuesday 26 November 2024
Images courtesy of Singapore Tourism Board Indonesia
A Glimpse into Singapore’s Art Scene (18 Nov – 13 Dec at WTC 2, Jakarta)
The Embassy of Singapore in Jakarta, in collaboration with Singapore Tourism Board, Jakarta Land, and ISA Art and Design, presents “URBAN PULSE: Spectrum of Contemporary Art in Singapore” in Jakarta. This showcase is being held at World Trade Centre 2 Jakarta from 18 November to 13 December 2024. The Guest of Honour, H.E. Kwok Fook Seng, Ambassador of the Republic of Singapore to Indonesia, officially inaugurates the event today.
Mohamed Hafez Marican, STB Area Director-HE Kwok Fook Seng, Singapore Ambassador to Indonesia-Deborah Iskandar, Founder ISAAD-Aiman, Artist-Kenenza Michiko Hasan, Curator
Through a wide range of mediums, the exhibition examines how the changing landscape influences daily life, societal values, and the collective experience of Singapore residents. Seen through phenomenological principles by Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s concept of the “lived body,” the artworks invite audiences to consider the embodied experience of city living, where the lines between the personal and the collective, tradition and modernity, constantly shift. URBAN PULSE: Spectrum of Contemporary Art in Singapore highlights Singapore’s unique position as one of the leading destinations of contemporary art in Southeast Asia, seeking cross-border artistic dialogue and deepening regional cultural appreciation between Indonesia and Singapore. The artists featured reflect on how city life shapes human perception, experience, and identity. As Southeast Asia’s art scene continues to grow, this exhibition offers a glimpse into the future of contemporary art in the region.
Mohamed Hafez Marican, STB Area Director, at the Urban Pulse Media Session in Jakarta
“Singapore’s arts scene reflects our multicultural heritage and diverse perspectives. We are excited to bring a sampling of Singapore’s newest art to Indonesia. The contemporary thematic preoccupations and creative methodologies of artists in both our countries have much in common. I hope that this event can help spur dialogue and deepen our cultural exchanges, further strengthening the affinity between our peoples,” stated H.E Kwok Fook Seng, Singapore Ambassador to Indonesia.
Pressented by Coulisse | INK
Mohamed Hafez Marican, Area Director, Singapore Tourism Board (STB), Indonesia, added: “STB is pleased to support URBAN PULSE: Spectrum of Contemporary Art in Singapore, which serves as a bridge between Indonesia’s and Singapore’s artistic visions. It’s also an exciting prelude to Singapore Art Week (SAW) 2025, where art aficionados from Indonesia can immerse themselves in a wide array of unique art events and experiences. We hope this exhibition will inspire even more Indonesian visitors to explore Singapore’s creative landscape and the myriad possibilities our city has to offer.”
HE Kwok Fook Seng, Singapore Ambassador to Indonesia, at the Urban Pulse Media Session in Jakarta
“We’re honoured to host the prestigious URBAN PULSE: Spectrum of Contemporary Art in Singapore here in WTC Jakarta, a showcase that brings the Singaporean art scene closer to our community here. This aligns with our vision to create a dynamic environment where business and culture intersects, offering our tenants and visitors a unique experience that goes beyond the workplace. Hosting this exhibition also allows us to foster diverse perspectives and strengthen connections across industries, enriching the daily experience for all who engage with our complex,” stated William Chai, General Manager, Jakarta Land.
Deborah Iskandar, Founder and President Director of ISA Art Design at the Urban Pulse Media Session in Jakarta
This exhibition precedes SAW 2025, scheduled from 17 to 26 January 2025. Set to mark its 13th edition, SAW is the region’s longest-running visual arts season, showcasing over 100 events across Singapore. The 10-day event will feature both local and international artists, with major events including S.E.A. Focus, ART SG, Light to Night Singapore and Seeing Forest by Robert Zhao Renhui which was presented at the Singapore Pavilion at the Biennale Arte 2024.
Images courtesy of Singapore Tourism Board Indonesia
A Glimpse into Singapore’s Art Scene (18 Nov – 13 Dec at WTC 2, Jakarta)
Kedutaan Besar Singapura di Jakarta, bekerja sama dengan Singapore Tourism Board, Jakarta Land, dan ISA Art and Design, menghadirkan “URBAN PULSE: Spectrum of Contemporary Art in Singapore” di Jakarta. Pameran ini diselenggarakan di World Trade Centre (WTC) 2 Jakarta dari 18 November hingga 13 Desember 2024 dan diresmikan oleh tamu Kehormatan, Yang Mulia Kwok Fook Seng, Duta Besar Republik Singapura untuk Indonesia.
Mohamed Hafez Marican, STB Area Director-HE Kwok Fook Seng, Singapore Ambassador to Indonesia-Deborah Iskandar, Founder ISAAD-Aiman, Artist-Kenenza Michiko Hasan, Curator
Melalui eksplorasi berbagai medium, pameran ini mengkaji bagaimana lanskap yang berubah memengaruhi kehidupan sehari-hari, nilai-nilai sosial, dan pengalaman kolektif penduduk Singapura. Dilihat melalui prinsip-prinsip fenomenologis yang dicetuskan oleh Maurice Merleau-Ponty tentang “raga yang dihidupi”, karya seni yang ditampilkan pada pameran ini mengundang audiens untuk mempertimbangkan pengalaman hidup metropolitan, di mana garis antara batas pribadi dan kolektif serta tradisi dan modernitas senantiasa bergerak. URBAN PULSE: Spectrum of Contemporary Art in Singapore menyoroti posisi unik Singapura sebagai salah satu destinasi seni kontemporer terkemuka di Asia Tenggara, dengan mencari peluang dialog artistik lintas negara dan memperdalam apresiasi budaya regional antara Indonesia dan Singapura. Para seniman yang ditampilkan merefleksikan bagaimana kehidupan kota membentuk persepsi, pengalaman, dan identitas manusia. Seiring dengan ekosistem seni Asia Tenggara yang terus berkembang, pameran ini juga menawarkan gambaran sekilas tentang masa depan seni kontemporer di kawasan ini.
Mohamed Hafez Marican, STB Area Director, at the Urban Pulse Media Session in Jakarta
“Dunia seni Singapura merefleksikan warisan multikultural dan perspektif Singapura yang beragam. Kami sangat senang dapat membawa beberapa contoh karya seni terbaru Singapura ke Indonesia. Tema-tema kontemporer dan pendekatan kreatif para seniman di Indonesia dan Singapura memiliki banyak kesamaan. Saya berharap acara ini dapat memicu dialog, memperdalam pertukaran budaya, serta memperkuat kedekatan antara masyarakat kita,” sambut Yang Mulia Kwok Fook Seng, Duta Besar Singapura untuk Indonesia.
Pressented by Coulisse | INK
Mohamed Hafez Marican, Area Director, Singapore Tourism Board (STB), Indonesia, menambahkan: “STB dengan senang hati mendukung URBAN PULSE: Spectrum of Contemporary Art in Singapore, yang berfungsi sebagai jembatan antara visi artistik Indonesia dan Singapura. Pameran ini sekaligus menjadi pendahuluan untuk Singapore Art Week (SAW) 2025, di mana para penggemar seni dari Indonesia dapat membenamkan diri dalam rangkaian acara dan pengalaman seni yang unik dan beragam di Singapura. Kami berharap pameran ini akan menginspirasi lebih banyak pengunjung Indonesia untuk menjelajahi lanskap kreatif Singapura serta berbagai kesempatan yang kota kami tawarkan.”
HE Kwok Fook Seng, Singapore Ambassador to Indonesia, at the Urban Pulse Media Session in Jakarta
“Kami merasa terhormat dapat menjadi tuan rumah pameran prestisius URBAN PULSE: Spectrum of Contemporary Art in Singapore di WTC Jakarta, sebuah ruang ekspresi yang membawa skena seni Singapura lebih dekat dengan komunitas kami di sini. Ini sejalan dengan visi kami untuk menciptakan lingkungan yang dinamis di mana bisnis dan budaya bertemu, menawarkan pengalaman unik yang lebih dari sekadar lingkungan kerja bagi para penyewa dan pengunjung kami. Menyelenggarakan pameran ini juga memungkinkan kami untuk menumbuhkan beragam perspektif dan memperkuat hubungan antar industri, memperkaya pengalaman sehari-hari bagi semua yang berinteraksi dengan kompleks kami,” ungkap William Chai, General Manager Jakarta Land.
Deborah Iskandar, Founder and President Director of ISA Art Design at the Urban Pulse Media Session in Jakarta
Pameran ini juga memberikan gambaran mengenai SAW 2025, yang berlangsung dari 17 hingga 26 Januari 2025 mendatang. Memasuki edisinya yang ke-13, SAW akan menjadi musim seni visual terlama di Asia Tenggara, dengan lebih dari 100 acara tersebar di seluruh Singapura. Berlangsung selama 10 hari, acara ini akan menampilkan karya dari seniman Singapura dan internasional, termasuk di antaranya S.E.A. Focus, ART SG, Light to Night Singapore dan Seeing Forest oleh Robert Zhao Renhui yang sebelumnya dipamerkan di Paviliun Singapura pada Biennale Arte 2024.

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