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UNIQLO: Back to Office with Style


Published by Sugar & Cream, Tuesday 30 June 2020

Text by Auliya Putri, Images Courtesy of UNIQLO Indonesia

The Inspirations

Indonesia telah melonggarkan PSBB khususnya di Jakarta. Dengan ini juga mayoritas kantor sudah memulai kembali aktivitas dengan tetap melaksanakan prosedur kesehatan. Setelah lama #DiRumahAja, sepertinya menarik untuk menciptakan gaya berpakaian ke kantor yang stylish namun tetap aman. UNIQLO menawarkan beberapa gaya simple yang bisa menjadi inspirasi untuk ‘Back to Office‘. Inspirasi diterapkan melalui 4 figure ternama yang mempresentasikan gaya pilihan masing-masing.

Fellexandro Ruby, Entrepreneur

Well Neat: Milano Rib Jacket, Dry Easy Care Comfort Striped Shirt S/S dalam warna biru terang, Kando Pants berwarna shandy.
A Nod to Sporty: EZY Ankle Pants berwarna camel, EFC Broadcloth Checked Shirt, Herrington Jacket.

Kevin Lilliana, ex-Beauty Pageant and Businesswoman

White Saga: Chiffon Pleated Long Skirt SS20, Heattech Fleech Turtle Neck Woman Motif Blouse, Pleated Skirt.
Urban Legend: EZY Ankle Pants, UV Protection Crew Neck Cardigan, Rayon Blouse berwarna olive.

Presented by Coulisse | INK

Maria Charlotte Saleh, Medical Doctor

Win in Tailoring: Rayon Stand Collar Blouse, Wide Jeans, UV Protection Jacket.
Dress for Success: EFC Split Neck Dress berwarna hitam, Cotton Linen Coat.

Javier Justin, Host and Businessman

Business in Black: Kando Jacket, Heatteach Ultra Warm Turtle Neck, Kando Pants.
Lead at Ease: EZY Ankle Pants berwarna copper, Linen Cotton Stand Collar, Linen Blend Cardigan berwarna cerah.

Molteni&CCoulisse | INKZipblind & VF