Houses of Style and Inspiration
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Timeless Classic With Modern Sophistication By Glenn Hartanto (part.1)


Text by Dinda Bestari, Farida Esti & G.H, Photography of Fernando GomuLya.

Friday 17 April 2020

A regal, timeless classical house for a family of 5, was completed within 3.5 years. Fully conceived from its architecture design down to its interior and accessories by MorphAsia Design in which classical design ideas are married with modern architectural philosophy. Glenn Hartanto, the principal of MorphAsia design, described the house as a “Regency” style architecture that has been modified to provide practical abode responding to the tropical context of the house.

Main Facade with big window opening is facing south, calculated to avoid sunlight
Main Entry with ornate canopy detail corresponds with the flow of landscape walls and bronze sculpture

The house started with the challenge for Glenn and his team of architects to create a house fitting to the owner’s desire and stature. “We begin with the owner’s love for grand hotel lobbies, and somehow we have to adapt it to a practical, manageable house that is timeless. Also we were trying to create the house according to the owner’s aesthetic and lifestyle preferences. We did some research, then what was born out of this challenge is a simple compact layout of four rectangles located in the corner of a bigger rectangle – at this time I had everything in mind, the interplay of furnitures and colors combined with an elegant play of subtle geometric composition in white”.

Side Facade with English garden which gives a welcoming warmth to pedestrian walking by

Presented by Prodotti Indonesia

The main characteristic of the house, the big glass windows, is paramount for the design of the house. The big openings allow natural daylight and dictates the flow of the house. In addition to this, “We try to bring the idea of fluidity and excitement within the simple rectangular plan of the house” Glenn continues, “the house was designed from maximum daylight and airflow, with the main living room, embellished with a curvaceous flowing staircase, which reverberates in the curved glass walls and garden walls of the house.”

The Living room layout with big window opening each of its 4 side maintains its privacy by its elevation which is 1 level above the street and its shading device of curtains and electrical louvre
A complex composition of finely detailed columns, stairs, chandelier and vertical garden is elegantly balanced with a restrained color pallete of grey and white

The said curvaceous lines idea was followed through with the semi-elliptical main sofa, the curves of the grand Steinway piano, the decorative metal work on the railings, and even down to the details of the curved glass that is designed with double curved mullions. As guests come to the house surprised with the multiple grand spaces it contains, they are even more astonished that it sits on a considerably small (580m2) plot for a house of this stature.

Library/study located at mezzanine level provides tall windows is made special with warm glow of 3 distinct Catellani-Smith lamps in gold leaf finish
A Grand Living room features a fluid staircase and vertical garden which shields the house from typically harsh western daylight

Regarding the design implication of the architecture towards the interior spaces, Glenn said, “Focused on the overall mass shape of the house and allowed the less ornamented, clean lines of the architectural style becomes the canvas to explore the eclectic mix of sleek, modern Italian furniture and mid-century and oriental pieces – I am interested in bringing in pieces that has value into the house, whether from its age (Antique), or its design excellence.”

Within the bright spaces and light interior spaces, the different styles of furniture compose beautifully next to each other.

Warm, Space efficient kids bedroom
The Powder room finished in honed grey palisandro marble with gold metallic veins creates a strong character as it is embellished with metallic frames and dornbracht lavatory in durabrass finish

The landscape of the house was also designed through a close collaboration with the renowned landscape architect, Anggia Murni from Tropica Greeneries. With the reference to the English garden style, the landscape of the house is surrounded with a casual palette of flowering plants with soft yellow and lilac tone, lined with hedges where it meets terraces and retaining walls. The result is a pleasant connection of the house to the street and to the neighborhood surrounding it. In addition to this, Murni places aromatic plants near the terraces and the sunroom where the family would sit to enjoy late afternoon breeze with all doors in 3 sides if the room opened to the landscape, turning the indoor room into a sort of gazebo.

Master Bedroom with built-in interior panels, done by Magna Furniture, is done in simple clean lines with modern sensibility
Master Bedroom features a dormer window and a pitched ceiling which corellates to the architectural shape of the house

When asked about the what is the most important experience in designing the house, Glenn explains that it was the collaboration with his client, Yudi AdranacusGlenn described that during the process, “A lot of trust has been placed on my hand to make decisions on many levels”.                                                                 For him, the best complement for was when Mr. Adranacus commented, after the house was finished, that the house is a real personification of himself. The house, which sits in the fenceless cluster, contributes its beauty to the neighborhood, and feels humble despite its grandeur; it is warm and inviting to the people that pass by it.

Wardrobe with leather finish door and metal lining leads to the attic for more wardrobe and storage space
Master Bathroom is finished with paneled intricate marble work and a curved ceiling that resonates the window shape

Data Info :

Land Area : 580 m2
 Building     : 1200 m2
Architect & Interior Designer : Morphasia Design
Wulan Christia, Yuliani Auw, Hery Iswanto, Nofryda Panjaitan
Lighting Designer: Kasyfi Muhammad A
Kitchen / Pantry : Som Santoso Kitchen Solutions

Premium Furniture: Giorgetti (Prodotti), Flexform (Prodotti)
Built-in & Other Loose Furniture : Magna Furniture

Pendant Light (Dining area) :  Melogranoblu (Prodotti)
Pendant Light (Library) : Catellani & Smith (Class International)
Standing Lamp: Fortuny (Vastuhome)
Table Lamp (foyer) : Alexander Lamont

Home Accesories : Maison Haim
Masterbed : Poliform (Poliform Jakarta – Moie)

Special Paint : Ragoli International (Nomura Gozali)

Decorative Metal Work : LaFidies

Aluminium Frame: Technal (Yohan Sabur)

Loose Carpet : Moire Rugs
Carpet (Hobby room) : Shaw Floors (Matrix)

Dome Glass: Eztu Glass
Bathtub: Dornbracht (CJ trading)|
Hardware Bathroom : Victoria Albert (Le Chateau Living)
Marble: BnB House of Marble
Curtain & Blind: Idefab & Toso
Bedrooms : 4 (exclusice service area)
Bathrooms : 4
Landscape Architect : PT Tropica Greeneries / Anggia Murni
Sculpture : Bunga Yuridespita

Selama tiga setengah tahun, MorphAsia Desain berhasil menyelesaikan sebuah hunian bergaya klasik nan mewah yang berdiri di atas lahan tidak termasuk besar yaitu seluas 580 m2. Rumah yang dihuni oleh lima anggota keluarga ini mengusung tema desain klasik dipadankan dengan filosofi arsitektur modern. Glenn Hartanto, selaku arsitek MorphAsia Desain, menggambarkan rumah ini sebagai arsitektur “Regency” yang telah dimodifikasi agar dapat menyesuaikan dengan konsep hunian tropis.

Main Facade with big window opening is facing south, calculated to avoid sunlight
Main Entry with ornate canopy detail corresponds with the flow of landscape walls and bronze sculpture

Project ini menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi Glenn dan tim untuk mewujudkan hunian yang sesuai dengan keinginan pemilik. “Kami mulai dari kecintaan pemilik pada lobi mewah hotel, lalu kami adaptasi ide tersebut agar sesuai untuk desain rumah. Kami juga mencoba untuk mendesain rumah sesuai dengan gaya hidup pemilik. Kami melakukan riset, dan akhirnya menghasilkan layout sederhana, yaitu sebuah ruang persegi besar dengan empat ruang persegi kecil yang berada di setiap sudutnya. Di saat yang sama, dalam benak saya, tergambar furnitur dan warna-warna yang dikombinasikan dengan komposisi geometris warna putih agar rumah ini nampak semakin elegan,” jelas Glenn.

Side Facade with English garden which gives a welcoming warmth to pedestrian walking by

Presented by Prodotti Indonesia

Karakter utama pada rumah ini ada pada  jendela besar serta bukaan yang besar sebagai celah masuknya cahaya alami atau cahaya matahari. “Kami mencoba membangun ide dari fluidity serta excitement dalam layout persegi rumah yang sederhana. Rumah ini didesain untuk memaksimalkan masuknya cahaya dan sirkulasi udara ke dalam ruangan. Seperti ruang keluarga dengan tangga melengkung diimbangi secara estetis dengan jendela yang juga melengkung dan garden wall,” tambah Glenn. Ide garis-garis melengkung ini dapat ditemui pada sofa, piano Steinway, dekorasi berbahan metal pada railing, hingga detil lekukan kaca jendela yang didesain dengan double curved mullions. Tamu yang memasuki rumah ini akan terpesona oleh ruangan bergaya mewah di dalamnya, padahal rumah ini dibangun di atas tanah seluas 580 m2 yang tergolong tidak begitu luas.

The Living room layout with big window opening each of its 4 side maintains its privacy by its elevation which is 1 level above the street and its shading device of curtains and electrical louvre
A complex composition of finely detailed columns, stairs, chandelier and vertical garden is elegantly balanced with a restrained color pallete of grey and white

Jika dilihat dari desain arsitektur dan interiornya, Glenn dan tim nampak fokus pada bentuk rumah secara keseluruhan dan menggunakan sedikit ornamen. “Gaya arsitektur yang tegas menjadi kanvas yang mengeksplor gaya eclectic furnitur modern Italia dengan benda-benda bergaya mid-century dan oriental. Saya ingin membawa benda-benda berharga ke rumah ini, baik itu barang antik atau objek dengan desain terbaik,” kata Glenn. Furnitur beragam gaya semakin terlihat cantik diletakkan berdampingan satu sama lain dalam satu ruangan yang terang.

Library/study located at mezzanine level provides tall windows is made special with warm glow of 3 distinct Catellani-Smith lamps in gold leaf finish
A Grand Living room features a fluid staircase and vertical garden which shields the house from typically harsh western daylight

Desain landscape project ini merupakan berkolaborasi dengan landscape architect, Anggia Murni dari Tropica Greeneries. Dengan referensi taman Inggris, landscape rumah dikelilingi oleh tanaman bunga dengan palet warna bernuansa kuning lembut dan lilac, yang disusun berjajar hingga ke area teras dan dinding. Sebagai pelengkap, Murni melatakkan tanaman beraroma harum di dekat teras dan sunroom, di mana keluarga menghabiskan waktu bersama sambil menikmati semilir angin dari tiga pintu yang dibuka. Dalam sekejap ruangan ini mampu berubah menjadi gazebo yang cocok sebagai tempat santai keluarga.


Glenn juga menjelaskan, ia mendapat pengalaman berharga dalam proses mendesain project ini saat berinsteraksi dengan sang klien, Yudi Adranacus. “Ia memberikan kepercayaan penuh pada saya untuk membuat keputusan dalam berbagai hal,” ucap Glenn. Bagi Glenn, hal terbaik adalah komentar Pak Adranacus, bahwa hasil jadi project ini sangat sesuai dengan karakteristik pribadinya. Hunian yang berada di cluster tanpa pagar ini menambah keindahan lingkungan sekitar, terasa humble, hangat, dan menarik perhatian orang yang melintasinya.

Warm, Space efficient kids bedroom
The Powder room finished in honed grey palisandro marble with gold metallic veins creates a strong character as it is embellished with metallic frames and dornbracht lavatory in durabrass finish
Master Bedroom with built-in interior panels, done by Magna Furniture, is done in simple clean lines with modern sensibility
Master Bedroom features a dormer window and a pitched ceiling which corellates to the architectural shape of the house
Wardrobe with leather finish door and metal lining leads to the attic for more wardrobe and storage space
Master Bathroom is finished with paneled intricate marble work and a curved ceiling that resonates the window shape

Data Info :

Land Area : 580 m2
Building     : 1200 m2
Architect & Interior Designer : Morphasia Design
Wulan Christia, Yuliani Auw, Hery Iswanto, Nofryda Panjaitan
Lighting Designer: Kasyfi Muhammad A
Kitchen / Pantry : Som Santoso Kitchen Solutions

Premium Furniture: Giorgetti (Prodotti), Flexform (Prodotti)
Built-in & Other Loose Furniture : Magna Furniture

Pendant Light (Dining area) :  Melogranoblu (Prodotti)
Pendant Light (Library) : Catellani & Smith (Class International)
Standing Lamp: Fortuny (Vastuhome)
Table Lamp (foyer) : Alexander Lamont

Home Accesories : Maison Haim
Masterbed : Poliform (Poliform Jakarta – Moie)

Special Paint : Ragoli International (Nomura Gozali)

Decorative Metal Work : LaFidies


 Aluminium Frame: Technal (Yohan Sabur)

Loose Carpet : Moire Rugs
Carpet (Hobby room) : Shaw Floors (Matrix)

Dome Glass: Eztu Glass
Bathtub: Dornbracht (CJ trading)|
Hardware Bathroom : Victoria Albert (Le Chateau Living)
Marble: BnB House of Marble
Curtain and blind  : Idefab & Toso
Bedrooms : 4 (exclusice service area)
Bathrooms : 4
Landscape Architect : PT Tropica Greeneries / Anggia Murni
Sculpture : Bunga Yuridespita