The Premiere of S&C’s YouTube


Published by Sugar & Cream, Friday 25 November 2016

Enjoy the premiere video content on YouTube here

We could not keep the good news to ourselves. As part of our commitment to keep improving Sugarandcream as a free digital magazine in Indonesia, we are grateful to share with you our first broadcast YouTube with the title ‘ Little Palace-The Wonder of Little Palace in Bandung, Indonesia’.

This channel is critical to our mission as to connect our audiences with beautiful works of designers, art & cultures, great houses, design happenings and much more.

We will continue releasing video contents with variety of subjects regularly starting next week to satisfy our loyal audiences and community.

Coming soon on our next YouTube broadcast is about a fabulous house in Pondok Indah, Jakarta by renowned architect Thomas Elliott. Please do not forget to subscribe our YouTube channel so that you will be notified first. (JW)

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