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Published by Sugar & Cream, Friday 19 July 2024

Images courtesy of Museum MACAN

23 Nov 2024 – 6 April 2025 

Museum MACAN announces the upcoming major solo presentation of the works by the Thai-born, US and Bangkok-based artist Korakrit Arunanondchai for the first time in Indonesia. Titled Sing Dance Cry Breathe | as their world collides on to the screen, the exhibition will bring together a wide range of Arunanondchai’s artistic practices, from his most renowned video installations, paintings, as well as newly created site-specific installations, all of which grapple with themes related to identity, memory, life, death, spirituality and the human conditions.

Korakrit Arunanondchai

Arunanondchai’s artistic practice deals with personal experiences deeply rooted in the cultural context of his home country, Thailand, and other sites marked by a multitude of cultural and historical narratives, while also reflecting contemporary global issues. His fascination with spirituality and mythology seamlessly reflects his heritage, where these themes are deeply woven into the cultural fabric.

Museum visitors will be able to delve into Arunanondchai’s exploration of the intersection of contemporary life and traditional beliefs. Through his artworks, the artist bridges the past and present, inviting viewers to contemplate universal themes of existence, identity, and the unseen forces that shape our world.

Presented by Coulisse | INK

In the exhibition, Arunanondchai will again delve into the evocative symbolism of the phoenix and fire, which are frequently recurring motifs in his art. The symbolism mirrors the artist’s exploration of creation and destruction. Reflecting the idea of eternal transformation, whether personal, cultural, or technological, Arunanondchai portrays the renewal and adaptation of cultural identity in the face of modernization and globalization.

Among the works that are included in the exhibition are the latest iteration of the artist’s painting installation and also two significant video installations:
No history in a room filled with people with funny names 5 (2018). Produced in collaboration with the American filmmaker Alex Gjovic, and long-time collaborator Tosh Basco, the video draws inspiration from the “Ghost Cinema” ritual in Northeast Thailand, where monks project films onto temple walls for an audience of spirits.
• Songs for Living (2021). A work where Arunanondchai alludes to the concept of time beyond the human lifespan. The video shows the journey of spirits back into their bodily form, about to be reborn. The elements of fire, water, and the depiction of a burning Garuda appear on several occasions, representing the passages of death, decay and rebirth, inviting the audience for a collective reflection on the afterlife and life’s continuity.

Wings of Desire, 2022

Venus Lau, Director of Museum MACAN, said, “We are delighted to announce Sing Dance Cry Breathe | as their world collides onto the screen, the first major solo presentation of works by Korakrit Arunanondchai in Indonesia. This exhibition will present a diverse array of Arunanondchai’s artistic explorations, delving into themes around humanity and spirituality central to his work. This exhibition also showcases a significant collection of paintings, most of which have never been shown elsewhere. We look forward to inviting visitors to experience the profound and thought-provoking world of Korakrit Arunanondchai‘s art at this landmark exhibition.”

Korakrit Arunanondchai: Sing Dance Cry Breathe | as their world collides on to the screen will be on view from 23 November 2024 until 6 April 2025.

Images courtesy of Museum MACAN

23 Nov 2024 – 6 April 2025 

Museum MACAN mengumumkan presentasi tunggal karya-karya Korakrit Arunanondchai, perupa kelahiran Thailand yang kini berbasis di Amerika Serikat dan Bangkok, untuk pertama kalinya di Indonesia. Bertajuk Sing Dance Cry Breathe | as their world collides on to the screen, pameran ini akan menghadirkan beragam rangkaian praktik artistik Arunanondchai, mulai dari instalasi-instalasi videonya yang paling dikenal, lukisan, hingga instalasi khas tapaknya yang teranyar, bergumul dengan tema-tema yang berkaitan dengan identitas, memori, kehidupan, kematian, spiritualitas, dan peristiwa-peristiwa dalam kehidupan manusia.

Korakrit Arunanondchai

Praktik artistik Arunanondchai kerap mengangkat pengalaman-pengalaman pribadi yang berakar kuat pada konteks budaya negara asalnya, Thailand, maupun juga tempat-tempat lain dengan narasi budaya dan sejarah yang berlapis. Karenanya, karya-karyanya juga merupakan refleksi atas isu-isu global di hari ini. Ketertarikan Arunanondchai terhadap spiritualitas dan mitologi mencerminkan asal-usul budayanya, di mana tema-tema ini terjalin erat dalam tatanan budaya masyarakat Thailand.

Pengunjung akan dapat mempelajari eksplorasi Arunanondchai tentang persimpangan antara kehidupan kontemporer dan bentuk-bentuk kepercayaan tradisional. Melalui karyanya, sang perupa menjembatani masa lalu dan masa kini, mengajak orang-orang untuk merenungkan tema-tema universal tentang eksistensi, identitas, dan kekuatan tak kasat mata yang membentuk dunia kita.

Presented by Coulisse | INK

Dalam pameran ini, Arunanondchai akan kembali menyelami simbolisme burung hong (phoenix) dan api yang telah menjadi motif yang terus berulang dalam karya-karyanya. Simbolisme ini mencerminkan eksplorasi sang perupa terhadap proses penciptaan dan kehancuran. Dengan merefleksikan gagasan akan transformasi yang abadi, baik secara personal, kutural, maupun teknologi, Arunanondchai menggambarkan pembaruan dan adaptasi identitas budaya dalam menghadapi modernisasi dan globalisasi.

Di antara karya-karya yang diikutsertakan dalam pameran ini adalah instalasi lukisan terbaru beserta dua instalasi video penting dari sang perupa:
• No history in a room filled with people with funny names 5 (2018). Diproduksi bersama dengan sineas Amerika Alex Gjovic dan kolaborator Tosh Basco, video ini mengambil inspirasi dari ritual “Ghost Cinema” di Timur Laut Thailand, di mana para biksu memproyeksikan film ke dinding kuil untuk penonton-penonton yang adalah roh.
• Songs for Living (2021). Sebuah karya di mana Arunanondchai menyinggung konsep waktu di luar rentang hidup manusia. Video tersebut memperlihatkan perjalanan roh yang kembali ke wujud tubuhnya, hendak terlahir kembali. Unsur api, air, dan gambaran Garuda yang terbakar muncul dalam beberapa kesempatan, melambangkan proses kematian, pembusukan, dan kelahiran kembali, mengundang audiens untuk melakukan refleksi kolektif mengenai akhirat dan kelangsungan hidup.

Wings of Desire, 2022

Venus Lau, Direktur Museum MACAN, mengatakan, “Kami dengan bangga mengumumkan Sing Dance Cry Breathe | as their world collides on to the screen, presentasi tunggal pertama akan karya-karya Korakrit Arunanondchai di Indonesia. Pameran ini akan menampilkan beragam eksplorasi artistik Arunanondchai, menggali tema seputar kemanusiaan dan spiritualitas yang menjadi inti karyanya. Pameran ini juga menampilkan banyak koleksi lukisan yang sebagian besar belum pernah dipamerkan di tempat lain. Kami berharap dapat mengundang pengunjung untuk merasakan dunia seni Korakrit Arunanondchai yang mendalam dan menggugah pikiran dalam pameran penting ini.”

Korakrit Arunanondchai: Sing Dance Cry Breathe | as their world collides on to the screen akan dipamerkan mulai dari 23 November 2024 hingga 6 April 2025.


Coulisse | INKZipblind & VF