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Published by Sugar & Cream, Tuesday 19 March 2024

Images courtesy of Salone del Mobile.Milano

Renewing, strengthening and perfecting the Sustainability Policy drawn up last year

The Salone del Mobile.Milano puts sustainable behaviour at the heart of its values socially, environmentally and economically. Part of its mission is to create memorable events – thanks to the synergy and skill of the many actors who produce them – destined to remain in the memory at length, not least for their sustainable DNA. The Salone del Mobile is a constantly evolving design and creative laboratory, open to the world and its challenges, fuelled by a combination of energy, talent and collaborative intelligence in pursuit of cutting- edge solutions, in a bid to design a trade fair on a human, community and environmental scale, while preserving the beauty that is showcased each year.

Maria Porro

Presented by Galleria

This is why the Salone is renewing and perfecting its Sustainability Policy this year, which has already been integrated into the strategy and management of both the company and the various events it organises, because, in an interdependent world with limited resources, in which each of us is responsible for safeguarding the planet, it has a duty to help make the entire trade fair system more competitive and fit for the future.

The policy ratifies and articulates the Salone’s belief that creating sustainable and long- lasting value, through the management of trade fair events, must be pursued in compliance with the ethical principles of integrity and honesty, inclusion and transparency, with a view to constant improvement, operating efficiency and financial management. Thus, the document signed by Maria Porro, President of the Salone del Mobile.Milano, sets out the commitments and the concrete objectives the event has set itself as drivers to steer its business model along a path of inclusive, responsible and sustainable development.

“After the 2022 edition, which put sustainability right at the heart of its content with the large installation by Mario Cucinella, and then being awarded ISO 20121 certification in 2023, we believe it is crucial to continue along our path to sustainability by officially setting out our strategies and objectives, and measuring our progress in a timely manner. For this reason, we are renewing, strengthening and perfecting the Sustainability Policy drawn up last year – this revision is useful to us in terms of acquiring increasing awareness as we go about our daily business, as well as in building an even more constructive dialogue with all the stakeholders involved. We are a global event. As organisers, we know just how important it is to share this ethical and responsible choice with all the exhibiting companies, the fitters, the visitors and the entire design ecosystem,” said Maria Porro, President of the Salone del Mobile.Milano.

Ethics and sustainability are the drives from which “Under the Surface” installation was born. A journey designed to fit into the debate on the value of responsible furniture production and finds its ideal context within the upcoming International Bathroom Exhibition.

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