Houses of Style and Inspiration

Light House: Greg Natale Design in Neutral Bay, Sydney


Text by Intan Kalih, Photography courtesy of Greg Natale.

Thursday 09 June 2016

It would be easy to imagine Greg Natale, a renowned interior designer from Australia, to design a space with strong layering technique and the implementation of bold colours and patterns. But this time, he speaks in “lighter tones” regarding his current residential project set in the northern coastal area in Sydney, Neutral Bay.

Read also our exclusive interview with Greg Natale : “The Striking World of Greg Natale”

The minimalist and modern character in a natural palette is shown in this 4-story building with five rooms. The unlimited view of the beach town outside combined with maximum natural lighting evokes the feeling of tranquility in this residence. “The concept was to create a light-filled house with a modern Californian vibe that provided plenty of access to the spectacular Sydney Harbour views. This meant working with a predominantly white palette and utilizing windows at every level,” explains Greg regarding the residence, previously a two-story duplex building which he turned into a magnificent and airy building.

Even though it seems more simple and quiet with a design approach that highlights the scenery and natural lighting, it does not mean that Greg’s characteristic has been forgotten. Layering is still the key factor in his interior works. “Whether a house is minimalist like this one or maximalist in style, it still requires all the key pieces that make it a warm, livable, welcoming space. Wall, window, and floor treatments, major and minor pieces of furniture, as well as soft furnishings, accessories, and artworks – these are all important layers in building up a room and giving it character. The layers vary in finish and type depending on the style of the house, but they are always essential components of a tailored, cohesive design,” says Greg.

“Wall, window and floor treatments, major and minor pieces furniture, and soft furnishings, accessories and artworks—these are all important layers in building up a room and giving it character. The layers vary in finish and type depending on the style of house, but they are always essential components of a tailored, cohesive design.”

Greg Natale

Splashes of plum, indigo, and violet in between the “white canvas” of the sofa, carpet, and chairs in the living room was deliberately intended to add the element of intensity without the need to dominate. “Whites and neutrals were an obvious choice given the overall palette. The accents of purple were inspired by the colours of the owners’ painting by iconic Australian artist Sidney Nolan, from his ‘Ned Kelly’ series.” He then went on to explain further on the choices of furniture and accessories, and shares about the interest of the owners on the furniture works from the French designer, Christian Liaigre, which were also used in this house, next to the American-based Holly Hunt furniture that was added in by Greg.

Bronze lines found on the chairs, table legs, lamps, and walls, inevitably create an elegant feel that accentuates the look of the room. “I think the best feature is the generous main living room featuring the big, beautiful curved sofa by Minotti,” says the designer, who started his firm, Greg Natale Design, in 2001. Aside from that, the travertine stairs and feature wall travertine with brass detail that glows in the dark are one of the focal points in this house. “And the door was a request by the owners – in LA, where they own another house, there is a trend for feature front doors and they wanted one here. This stunning door is made of resin and metal, with a bronze finish. Elements of bronze appear throughout the house, as another cohesive design link.”

The diversity of various elements found in the room further justifies Greg’s vision regarding the implementation of layering in building a house. He also underlined the fact that editing is a major factor in making a house look elegant. His advice is to always take the time to look back at each stage of the design process and value for yourself whether you are satisfied with the results.”

“Ask yourself questions such as: is there balance of angles and curves, of rough and smooth finishes? Are there enough contrasts to provide a dynamic mix, for example have you got pops of colour to offset neutrals? Is there cohesion between finishes and furnishings – do pieces relate to each other, do they have a relevant place in the mix? It is this continual and constant editing of a design that will ensure its elegance and its strength.”

That strength is also applicable in the kitchen area, the bathroom, and the bedroom. To him, it is very important to treat these spaces the same way you would a living room – an integral part that deserves to be decorated with the best furniture and furnishing. “For example, in a kitchen the island bench should be approached as much more than a functional slab but rather a gorgeous piece of furniture in itself, with, say, paneling or feature legs or a two-tone surface and support. In the bathroom, the vanity should be treated the same way, with considered lighting and decorative choices in each space also serving to lift the room beyond the ordinary,” explains Greg, “You also need to ensure that a bedroom has all the elements that make it appear sumptuous and inviting: bedside tables, lamps, a picture above the bedhead, a feature chair if you can fit it, a footstool or ottoman. And of course your cushions and throws.”

“I think it’s important to treat the kitchen and the bathroom as integral, beautiful parts of the house (just as beautiful as a living room or bedroom), which deserve their own stunning furniture and furnishing choices.”

Greg Natale

The implementation of layering once again becomes a strong point in his design. This modern residence in Neutral Bay, Sydney, is proof that Greg Natale has an advantage in combining all the affluence of an interior into a minimalist, or even maximalist, look.

Additional Information:

Location: Neutral Bay, Sydney, Australia
Land Area: 572m2
Building area: 755 m2
Architect: Greg Natale Design
Interior Designer: Greg Natale Design
Furniture : Minotti, Holly Hunt, and Christian Liaigre

Akan mudah membayangkan seorang Greg Natale, desainer interior ternama asal Australia, untuk merancang sebuah ruang dengan kekuatan teknik layering, pemilihan warna bold, dan penerapan pattern yang berani. Namun ia ‘berbicara lebih ringan’ dalam project residensial di wilayah pantai utara Sydney, Neutral Bay.

Baca juga wawancara eksklusif kami dengan Greg Natale : “The Striking World of Greg Natale”

Karakter modern minimalis dalam palet natural dihadirkannya lewat bangunan 4 tingkat dengan lima kamar ini. Pemandangan tak terbatas pada hamparan pantai kota di luar ruang berpadu dengan pencahayaan alam yang maksimal di dalam ruang membangkitkan puncak ketenangan dalam hunian ini. “Konsepnya adalah membuat hunian bergaya California modern yang disirami banyak cahaya dan memiliki akses luas terhadap pemandangan indah pelabuhan Sydney. Dalam hal ini berarti bekerja dengan dominan palet putih dan memaksimalkan penggunaan jendela di setiap level,” Greg menerangkan konsep rumah yang sebelumnya merupakan dua bangunan duplex kemudian dirombak total olehnya menjadi sebuah bangunan megah nan lapang.

Meski terkesan lebih ‘sederhana’ dan tenang dengan pendekatan desain yang lebih menonjolkan pemandangan serta pencahayaan natural, kekhasan Greg bukan berarti ditinggalkan. Layering masih menjadi kunci utama dalam karya interiornya. “Baik rumah itu bergaya minimalis maupun maksimalis, selalu dibutuhkan kesatuan elemen yang membuat ruang terasa hangat, nyaman, dan welcoming. Treatment pada dinding, jendela, dan lantai, lalu furnitur primer maupun sekunder, soft furnishing, aksesori, dan karya seni—keseluruhan ini merupakan layer penting dalam membangun sebuah ruang dan memberikannya karakter. Layer dapat diwujudkan dalam berbagai finish dan tipe sesuai dengan gaya hunian, namun yang pasti, mereka selalu menjadi komponen esensial dari sebuah desain kohesif nan personal,” ucap Greg.

“Wall, window and floor treatments, major and minor pieces furniture, and soft furnishings, accessories and artworks—these are all important layers in building up a room and giving it character. The layers vary in finish and type depending on the style of house, but they are always essential components of a tailored, cohesive design.”

Greg Natale


Kejutan warna plum, indigo, dan violet di antara ‘kanvas putih’ sofa, karpet, dan kursi makan di living room sengaja ditujukan untuk menambah intensitas tanpa perlu mendominasi. “Putih dan netral adalah pilihan utama bagi keseluruhan palet. Aksen warna ungu terinspirasi dari koleksi lukisan sang pemilik, yaitu karya ikonis seniman Australia, Sidney Nolan, dari seri Ned Kelly.” Ia lantas menjelaskan pemilihan furnitur dan aksesori, serta menuturkan kegemaran sang pemilik pada karya furnitur dari desainer Prancis, Christian Liaigre, yang turut digunakan dalam rumah ini, di samping furnitur Holly Hunt asal Amerika Serikat yang ditambahkan oleh Greg.

membingkai elegansi yang menonjolkan tampilan ruang. “Saya pikir fitur terbaik dalam hunian ini adalah area living room yang begitu besar, dengan sisipan lekukan sofa besar nan indah dari Minotti,” tutur sang desainer yang memulai firma Greg Natale Design pada tahun 2001. Selain itu, tangga travertine beserta feature wall travertine dan detail brass yang menyala pada malam hari merupakan salah satu focal point dalam hunian ini. “Pintu ini juga merupakan permintaan khusus dari pemilik. Di Los Angeles, di mana mereka memiliki hunian lain, terdapat tren pada fitur pintu utama dan mereka ingin menggunakannya di sini. Pintu ini terbuat dari resin dan metal, dengan finish perunggu. Elemen perunggu ini muncul dan menyeruak ke seisi rumah, sebagai penyambung desain yang kohesif.”

Keragaman elemen yang ditemukan dalam ruang membenarkan visi Greg terhadap penerapan layering pada hunian. Ia menggarisbawahi bahwa editing merupakan faktor utama dalam membuat rumah tampak elegan. Tipnya, selalu luangkan waktu untuk melihat kembali setiap tahapan proses desain yang sudah dilakukan dan nilai apa yang sudah terlihat dalam tiap tahapan tersebut.

“Tanyakan pada diri Anda, apakah ada keseimbangan sudut dan lekukan dari finish yang kasar maupun halus? Cukupkah kekontrasan yang ada untuk memunculkan variasi dinamis, semisal apakah Anda memiliki kejutan warna untuk mengimbangi warna natural? Adakah kohesi antara finish dan furnishing—apakah benda-benda tersebut relevan dalam perpaduannya? Adalah kesinambungan dan pengeditan konstan yang memastikan elegansi dan kekuatan dari sebuah desain.”

Kekuatan itu pun berlaku pada area dapur, bathroom, maupun ruang tidur. Baginya sangat penting untuk memperlakukan ruang-ruang tersebut sama krusialnya dengan living room, sebuah bagian integral yang pantas mendapatkan pilihan furnitur maupun furnishing. “Seperti misalnya, kitchen island seharusnya diperlakukan lebih dari benda fungsional, melainkan furnitur indah dengan menambahkan paneling, feature leg, atau permukaan dua warna. Pada kamar mandi, pengaturan cahaya dan pemilihan dekoratif di tiap sudut akan membuat ruangan ini berbeda,” jelas Greg, “Anda juga harus memastikan ruang tidur memiliki semua elemen yang membuatnya menarik dan ‘kaya’; bedside tables, lampu, lukisan atau foto di atas tempat tidur, kursi, footstool atau ottoman. Juga tentu bantal dan selimut.”

“I think it’s important to treat the kitchen and the bathroom as integral, beautiful parts of the house (just as beautiful as a living room or bedroom), which deserve their own stunning furniture and furnishing choices.”

Greg Natale

Penerapan layering memang menjadi kekuatan dalam desainnya dan terus digalinya. Hunian modern di Neutral Bay, Sydney, ini menjadi salah satu bukti bahwa Greg Natale memiliki keunggulan memadukan kekayaan interior dalam tampilan yang maksimal maupun minimal sekalipun.


Lokasi: Neutral Bay, Sydney, Australia
Luas Tanah: 572m2
Luas Bangunan: 755 m2
Arsitek: Greg Natale Design
Desainer Interior: Greg Natale Design
urniture : Minotti, Holly Hunt, and Christian Liaigre