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Jacqueline Kettle by Bugatti : Best New Product Award by NY NOW


Published by Sugar & Cream, Wednesday 09 October 2019

Text by S&C, Images courtesy of Bugatti

Jacqueline : Technology and Style in a Kettle

Teko cantik nan canggih Jacqueline dari Bugatti baru saja menambah daftar panjang penghargaan di tahun 2019 ini. Setelah Red Dot Award 2019 dan Born Award 2019, kini teko Jacqueline menerima penghargaan prestigius yaitu “Best New Product Award” dari NY NOW.

NY NOW adalah ajang pameran gaya hidup, desain, rumah yang berhubungan dengan tata saji, meja makan hingga gourmet di Kota New York.

Presented by Melandas Indonesia

“We are proud of this further recognition that once again confirms Jacqueline’s high appreciation in terms of innovation and the company’s vocation for design” – declares Clemente Bugatti, CEO of the company. – “Jacqueline makes the traditional tea ceremony a chic and contemporary experience … warm up your style.”

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