‘GOT PAPER?’ Exhibition by RUCI Art Space


Published by Sugar & Cream, Thursday 26 July 2018

Text and Images Courtesy of RUCI Art Space

27 July – 2 September 2018

RUCI Art Space presents ‘GOT PAPER?’ a group show of five artists, Yeo Kaa, Natisa Jones, Feransis, Eddie Hara, and Abenk Alter, who explores paper through drawings, paintings and collage. The opening of the exhibition will be held on 27th July 2018 from 7 pm – 12 am and the exhibition will run until 2nd  September 2018 daily from 11 am – 7 pm.

Got Paper –  Eddie Hara

What is it about paper? Diverse in its property, mailable in its treatment paper have been a guiding principle in the artistic practice of artists. It’s the foundation in which many of the exploration found a beginning. Introduced early in their life as a form of childhood activities, many experience what they later recall as, freedom and fearlessness in self-expression.

Arrogance No II, Opus 22 (Top), 2018, Papers, 50 cm x 50 cm

Through the progression of time each artists develop a personal relationship to paper as a medium. Some of the artists delve into their artistic process to express similarly as they would in a diary, while others utilize it as a system of sort. Whereby they can discern and liberate ideas more practically and in a more private domain. Deliberating a diverse intent and subject matter to realize a realistic imitation of their imagination. Intuitively and subconsciously they engage in a pictorial landscape to present or challenge people’s view through a visceral experience.

Unleash The Power, Claim The Future

Yeo Kaa’s work, a Manila base artist, reflect her imaginative reality gone awry where she harbours fantasies of displeasing acts. While Natisa Jones, base in Bali, consider the medium as a way to capture the urgencies of her thoughts to further her self-search. Differently to Feransis, a Jakarta base artist, who create with a flexible framework of a witty sculpture when working with his paper collage, he probe at the visual abstraction of popular comics. Eddie Hara, a Basel base artist, guise his political and social view through his distinct bizarre and humorous lowbrow art creatures. Abenk Alter, a Jakarta base artist, moves through material and immaterial dialogues of spirituality and daily account in search of harmony.


To some audience, paper works are both familiar and strange; they carry certain stigmas that are perhaps due to its delicate and ephemeral properties. Yet it’s often the first medium that captures the artist’s wild ideas and uninhibited instincts. Through this exhibition Ruci Art Space invite the audience to view the works beyond the medium that it is presented on, but to view the works for its visual experience.

This is how they imagined us – Yeo Kaa

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