Houses of Style and Inspiration

First Class Living and Cooking


Original English Text Courtesy of LEICHT, RewriteText (Indonesia) by Ruben William, Photography by Tuca Reinés, Taken from The book “Architecture +Kitchen III” produced by LEICHT.

Wednesday 11 May 2016

Cooking is very much the focus in this villa in São Paulo. And that is why architect João Armentano incorporated not one but two kitchens by LEICHT.

João Armentano

This dwelling with its two building complexes is situated on a wooded plot of land in São Paulo. It is both sophisticated and representative, and features integrated spa areas, a home cinema and a gourmet kitchen. The dishes prepared in the two kitchens by LEICHT are truly first class.

Please also read article “Enjoying in Elegant Atmosphere” presented by LEICHT kitchen Indonesia.

The main kitchen by LEICHT features a striking central island which at its ends can be used as a bar.

The inhabitants enjoy the calm surroundings, with numerous old trees, on three floors, but particularly when they are outside in the spacious free areas and at the pool. The striking, protruding flat roof provides shade and protects the residents from the rain. This is a major advantage in an area with constant temperatures that has just as much rain as it does sun.

This dwelling is both sophisticated and representative, and features integrated spa areas, a home cinema and two spacious kitchens by LEICHT.

Eating together in elegant surroundings is very much a focus of daily life. This was something the architect could fully appreciate and thus implement in his planning, as he too is of the opinion that the kitchen is the centre of the house. The building is in fact home to two kitchens by LEICHT: a main kitchen with a striking central island which at its ends can be used as a bar, as well as a gourmet kitchen with a “hot table”(teppanyaki).

The lounge areas on the ground floor are elegantly furnished.

Gourmet kitchen and main kitchen by LEICHT

The main kitchen, also referred to as the “functional kitchen” by the owners, is primarily used for everyday cooking. It was the express wish of the owners that only the very best materials be used here and that a unique, spacious room be created. The Orlando range is used in the main kitchen; the fronts of the tall units, functional run and cooking island are made of expressive peat oak.

In contrast to the main kitchen, used most of the time by the owners, the gourmet kitchen was designed for cooking and spending time with friends: although basically designed as very functional and thus ideal for cooking together, it was the owners express desire to make it “exquisite and ingenious”. Here they opted for the IOS range with fronts made of elegant, matt glass.


There is a skilful use of precious woods, glass and stone in all areas of the residence, not just in the „Social Hall“, the name João Armentano uses to denote hall and staircase.

Seven Questions for João Armentano, Archiect in São Paulo, Brazil

All the architects featured in the LEICHT publication “Architecture + Kitchen III” were given a questionnaire with seven questions. The spontaneous answers give a brief insight into the architects‘ individual thinking.

Living in the year 2030 means …
“Sustainability, smart house.”

Good architecture …
“Is a lot of research, inspiration, hard work and of course pleasure.”

I would like to have more influence on …
“My watch, 24 hours per day are not enough for me.”


My dream house …
“Easy! No walls! Completely sustainable.”

For me living means …
“Comfort, functionality in a place with your personality.”

For me the kitchen is …
“The heart of the house.”

I cook …
“Fresh pasta”

General Info :

Year of construction: 2013-2015
Land area: 4500 m²
Living area: 350 m²
Kitchens: Main kitchen: ORLANDO by LEICHT, gourmet kitchen: IOS by LEICHT
Architect: João Armentano,

The dishes prepared in the gourmet kitchen by LEICHT are truly first class. This area is correspondingly clear and functional, and the workbenches are shielded from direct view.

Please also read article “Enjoying in Elegant Atmosphere” presented by LEICHT kitchen Indonesia.

The gourmet kitchen is used for spending time with friends and cooking together.
The spacious dining room is not far from the main kitchen.

Memasak adalah fokus utama pada vila luks di São Paulo, Brazil, ini. Mengamini hal tersebut, arsitek João Armentano menginkorporasikan gagasan baru makna modernitas pada sebuah hunian.

João Armentano

Terdiri dari dua bangunan utama dengan lokasi yang diapit pepohonan eksotis di kota São Paulo, Brazil. Vila berdiri anggun dengan visual luar yang menampilkan modernitas dan kesan mewah nan bersahajah lewat penggunaan material kayu, batu, dan kaca. Memiliki fitur luks layaknya spa dan home cinema, gourmet kitchen dipilih sebagai ‘jantung’ dari hunian tersebut.

Please also read article “Enjoying in Elegant Atmosphere” presented by LEICHT kitchen Indonesia.

Area dapur utama persembahan LEICHT dengan area presentasi di bagian tengah yang dapat digunakan sebagai bar.

Mengadaptasi suasana hening dan tenang, hunian seluas 4500m2 diapit sejumlah pohon tua yang berdiri kokoh mengelilingi vila. Pada zona terluar hunian, area kolam renang misalnya; lounge pool, bentang rumput, dan pohon-pohon beranting ramping memastikan suasana laid-back dengan asupan sinar yang tetap terjaga. Konstruksi bangunan yang simetri pada beberapa bagian serta banyaknya bukaan berupa kaca ukuran masif membuat koneksi yang harmonis antara ruang dalam dan bagian luar vila yang asri.

Tampilan rumah yang sophisticated dengan instrumen premium seperti spa, home cinema, dan dua dapur lapang.

Spirit hunian yang fokus pada daily life dan kemudahan akses adalah sesuatu yang sepertinya mendapat penekanan lebih oleh arsitek João Armentano. Hal ini ia terjemahkan lewat dua dapur saji premium persembahanLEICHT: satu dapur utama yang pula dapat berfungsi sebagai bar, serta sebuah gourmet kitchen lengkap dengan hot table (teppanyaki).

Area lounge di lantai dasar didekorasi dalam spektrum warna yang seirama dengan mood hunian yang elegan.

Dapur utama, yang disebut sebagai dapur fungsional oleh pemilik hunian, digunakan sebagai tempat memasak sehari-hari. Sesuai keinginan pemilik, material premium dipilih untuk menciptakan tampilan unik serta kesan lapang dan nyaman. Rangkaian Orlando dari LEICHT pun diaplikasikan pada sudut-sudut krusial area tersebut.

Kontras dengan dapur utama, di mana pemilik banyak menghabiskan waktunya, gourmet kitchen didesain untuk menjamu dan menghabiskan waktu dengan para tamu. Meski mengusung semangat desain yang sangat fungsional dan praktikal untuk memasak aktivitas bersama, namun pemilik untuk menghadirkan kesan yang lebih exquisite dengan rangkaian IOS yang ultra-elegan.

Penggunaan materi precious woods, gelas, dan batu diaplikasikan secara teknikal tak hanya di Social Hall, namun di seluruh area.

7 pertanyaan untuk arsitek João Armentano dari São Paulo, Brazil

Berikut adalah petikan wawancara spontan dengan arsitek João Armentano.

Hidup di tahun 2030 berarti …
Sustainability dan rumah pintar.”

Arsitektur yang baik …
“Memiliki banyak riset, inspirasi, kerja keras, dan tentu saja kesenangan.”

Saya ingin memiliki lebih banyak pengaruh pada …
“Waktu saya, 24 jam sehari itu tidak cukup.”

Rumah idaman saya …
“Mudah! Tanpa dinding! Completely sustainable.”

Bagi saya hidup adalah …
“Rasa nyaman, fungsionalitas dalam tempat yang sama dengan personalitas.”

Bagi saya dapur adalah …
“Jantung dari sebuah hunian.”

Saya memasak…
“Pasta segar.”

General Info :

Year of construction: 2013-2015
Land area: 4500 m²
Living area: 350 m²
Kitchens: Main kitchen: ORLANDO by LEICHT, gourmet kitchen: IOS by LEICHT
Architect: João Armentano,




Tempat persiapan dan mencuci yang fungsional, lengkap dengan workbenches yang terlindung dari pandangan.

Please also read article “Enjoying in Elegant Atmosphere” presented by LEICHT kitchen Indonesia.

Area gourmet kitchen yang menjadi tempat menjamu sahabat dan kerabat.
Ruang makan yang lapang terletak tak jauh dari dapur utama.