Houses of Style and Inspiration

Enjoying in an Elegant Atmosphere


Original English Text Courtesy of LEICHT, RewriteText (Indonesia) by Ruben William, Photography by Kuo-Min Lee, Taken from The book “Architecture +Kitchen III” produced by LEICHT.

Wednesday 11 May 2016

Everything flows in the Community Clubhouse of architect Keng Fu Lo.
The kitchen by LEICHT is the focus and enjoys a seamless transition into the lounge.

Keng Fu Lo

The Community Clubhouse, located in a residential building in Tainan, offers its residents spacious rooms for relaxation and joint activities on three floors; spa areas are just as important as yoga rooms and a shared kitchen by LEICHT. Embedded in a complex ecosystem, the Clubhouse is operated energy-efficiently and is surrounded by a water landscape and lush trees. The architect‘s main concern was to create a building in which nature and inhabited space merge.

Please also read article “First Class Living and Cooking” presented by LEICHT kitchen Indonesia.

Embedded in a complex ecosystem, the Clubhouse is operated energy-efficiently and is surrounded by a water landscape and lush trees.

The amoebic shape as well as the façade with its significant projections make it virtually impossible for the onlooker to take in the whole building on first sight. But this fluid type of construction makes you want to see the inside: it is meant to make inhabitants want to leave their own apartments to get in touch with their neighbours. It was correspondingly important for the architect to create plenty of space for regeneration with expansive areas of water and lots of green. The second level is home to spa areas and a pool.

Enjoying in an elegant atmosphere

Visitors access the Community Clubhouse either via a wide staircase or, barrier-free, via a gently sloped ramp. The architect planned the ground floor as a “social and recreation hall” in which residents meet to take part in a number of wide-ranging activities, including communal cooking and eating. Dark shades, the resolute interchanging of natural stone and wood, as well as carefully positioned, sculptural furniture dominate the entire interior.

The second level is home to spa areas and a pool.

Harmony of kitchen and lounge

The kitchen from LEICHT‘s Pinta range is completely coordinated with the lounge and merges with it to become one, helped by the handleless fronts and the unit installed flush in a niche with an elegantly integrated workarea. A worktop juts out of the spacious food preparation island, lightening the effect of the island block, and can be used by several people as a bar. Visitors enjoy the elegant atmosphere dominating not only the kitchen and dining area but in fact the entire building. As people in Asia are highly enthusiastic when it comes to technology, it is no surprise that the appliances are placed directly opposite the dining table.

“Senses of flow” – inspired by Le Corbusier

The architect was inspired by the work of Le Corbusier and thus created, among other things, a flowing, intermingling room arrangement. He talks of “senses of flow” in this context. The numerous comforta- ble seating possibilities are inviting and communicative: this is where several people come together or where more discreet meetings take place. The water landscape outside is refreshing and is part of the ingenious climate concept the building is based on.

Seven questions for Keng Fu Lo, architect in Taiwan

All the architects featured in the LEICHT publication “Architecture + Kitchen III” were given a questi- onnaire with seven questions. The spontaneous answers give a brief insight into the architects‘ indivi- dual thinking.

Living in the year 2030 means …
“Internet will bring more convenience; more work could be done at home.”

Good architecture …
“Is all about energy saving and giving consideration to wind, light, water, and greenery.”

I would like to have more influence on …
“A green community and establishing living habits.”

My dream house …
“Mountainside! The four seasons are distinct, the plants change with the seasons.”

Floor-to-ceiling windows and striking pillars dominate the lounge area on the ground floor which generously opens up to the outside. The architect was inspired by the work of Le Corbusier and thus created a flowing, intermingling room arrangement.

For me living means …
“Connecting the architectural spaces and families to build wonderful living memories.”

For me the kitchen is …
“Dining. It‘s the best place to communicate with people.”

I cook …
“Japanese sushi, French dishes and Chinese soup.”

A worktop juts out of the spacious food preparation island by LEICHT, lightening the effect of the island block, and can be used by several people as a bar.

General Info :

Year of construction: 2015
Land area: 706 m²
Living area: 1813 m²
Kitchen: PINTA’s range by LEICHT
Architect: Keng Fu Lo, Tainan, Taiwan

The organisation inside the spacious drawers by LEICHT means the kitchen utensils can be accommodated clearly. Everything is quick to hand.

Please also read article “First Class Living and Cooking” presented by LEICHT kitchen Indonesia.

The kitchen by LEICHT is completely coordinated with the lounge and merges with it to become one, helped by the handleless fronts and the unit installed flush in a niche with an elegantly integrated workarea.
Visitors enjoy the elegant atmosphere. As people in Asia are highly enthusiastic when it comes to technology, it is no surprise that the appliances are placed directly opposite the dining table.

Sarat akan kesan effortless yang apik, kreasi arsitek Keng Fu Lo untuk Community Clubhouse menggurat terminologi bangunan elegan-kontemporer sesungguhnya.

Keng Fu Lo

Dibangun di tahun 2015 dengan luas 1813 m², Community Clubhouse mengambil lokasi di dalam residential building di Tainan, Taiwan, tempat ini menawarkan ruang-ruang lapang untuk relaksasi personal maupun joint activities di tiap lantai bangunan; area spa, sejumlah ruang yoga, dan sebuah dapur berbagi dari LEICHT. Hal yang menarik dari bangunan ini konsep dasar yang memberdayakan ekosistem sekitar lewat proses operasional yang mengusung energy-efficiency. Hal tersebut memang menjadi concern sang arsitek, Keng Fu Lo, yang ingin mengkreasikan sebuah banguan yang dapat ‘membaur’ dengan lingkup alam sekitarnya.

Please also read article “First Class Living and Cooking” presented by LEICHT kitchen Indonesia.

Berdiri di atas lahan dengan ekosistem yang kompleks, Community Clubhouse beroperasi dengan basis energy-efficiency.

Hadir dalam rupa bentuk amoebic nan rumit, tipe kontruksi ini membangkitkan rasa ingin tahu bagi mata yang memandang. Membuat para penghuni ingin berkunjung dan secara tak langsung berinteraksi dengan penghuni lainnya. Mengingat akan peran tersebut, sang arsitek pun dengan sengaja menciptakan banyak ruangan untuk regenerasi diri dengan memanfaatkan area-area alami (tumbuhan dan air) yang ada di sekitar. Sedang di lantai dua, area yang lebih personal mengambil rupa ruang-ruang spa dan kolam renang yang tenang.

Rancang bangunan sendiri sengaja memasukan lantai terdasar Community Clubhouse sebagai social and recreation hall, di mana penghuni dapat bertemu dan mengambil bagian dalam berbagai kegiatan komunitas, termasuk memasak dan bersantap bersama. Di sini, dekorasi didominasi sculptural furniture yang bersinergi dengan batu alam dan elemen kayu.

Lantai kedua diisi dengan area spa dan kolam renang.

Pada area dapur, rangkaian produk Pinta dari LEICHT dikoordinasikan dengan mood dari lounge. Area dapur ini pula dapat difungsikan sebagai bar, di mana pengunjung dapat menikmati atmosfer santai nan elegan, tak hanya ditemani dapur dan dining sebagai pemandangan, namun keseluruhan bangunan yang menciptakan kesan luks sejauh mata memandang.

Keng Fu Lo mengaku terinspirasi oleh karya-karya ikonis arsitek asal Swiss-Prancis, Le Corbusier, ketika mendesain. Ia menginginkan siluet bangunan yang terkesan mengalir dan berkesinambungan antar satu area dengan area berikutnya. Sesuatu yang terkesan hangat dan mengundang, namun dapat pula menjamin privasi. Untuk mendukung gagasan tersebut, pengaturan area di mana pengunjung dapat bertemu dan bercengkrama sangat diperhatikan. Lanskap luar yang didominasi tenangnya air ‘membalut’ bangunan sekaligus penegasan konsep arsitektur yang mengindahkan kearifan alam.

7 Pertanyaan untuk arsitek Keng Fu Lo dari Taiwan

Berikut adalah petikan wawancara spontan dengan arsitek Keng Fu Lo.

Hidup di tahun 2030 berarti…
“Internet membawa semakin banyak kemudahan; dimana pekerjaan dapat dilakukan dari rumah.”

Arsitektur yang baik…
“Adalah tentang penghematan energi dan memikirkan cahaya, angin, air, dan elemen hijau.”

Saya ingin memiliki lebih banyak pengaruh pada… “Komunitas yang memerhatikan dan membangun habitat alam.”

Rumah idaman saya…
“Di samping gunung! Empat musim berbeda dengan tumbuhan yang berubah tiap musimnya.”

Jendela ukuran masif dan pilar kokoh sebagai ornamen fungsional di lantai dasar.

Bagi saya hidup adalah…
“Menghubungkan ruang-ruang arsitektural dengan keluarga-keluarga untuk menciptakan kenangan kehidupan yang indah.”

Bagi saya dapur adalah…
Dining. Tempat terbaik untuk berkomunikasi dengan orang lain.”

Saya memasak…
Japanese sushi, makanan Prancis, serta Chinese soup.”


Worktop lapang untuk tempat mempersiapkan makanan dari koleksi LEICHT. Area ini dapat pula digunakan sebagai bar.

General Info :

Year of construction: 2015
Land area: 706 m²
Living area: 1813 m²
Kitchen: PINTA’s range by LEICHT
Architect: Keng Fu Lo, Tainan, Taiwan

Kompartemen penyimpanan yang spesifik dan mudah digunakan.

Please also read article “First Class Living and Cooking” presented by LEICHT kitchen Indonesia.

Dapur dari LEICHT sepenuhnya terkordinasi dengan lounge sehingga menghadirkan kesatuan mood yang elegan.
Pengunjung dapat menikmati atmosfer elegan dengan kepraktisan teknologi mutakhir di tiap sisi dining table.