LUMINE continues to develop with its newest pop-up store at Plaza Senayan, with the theme of “Re-edit” presenting its hallmark, namely a blend of touches of Japanese and Indonesian culture through collections from more diverse local and Japanese fashion brands.
read moreBigissimo’s debut of the “Manifesto” collection at JFW 2024 is unequivocal proof that all plus-size women, regardless of body size, have the freedom to express themselves in fashion and be a part of an inclusive fashion industry.
read moreTanah Le Saé mempersembahkan koleksi Spring-Summer 2024 bertajuk “Ann: Melancholy” di ajang Jakarta Fashion Week 2024 yang mengajak kita menikmati rasa eleganitas melankolis.
read moreSejauh Mata Memandang meluncurkan koleksi terbaru bertajuk “Tarum” pada ajang Jakarta Fashion Week (JFW) 2024, total 17 looks yang ditampilkan mengeksplorasi material denim ramah lingkungan.
read moreUNIQLO unveils the latest Uniqlo Flannel Fall/Winter 2023 collection with the theme Live Life in Flannel: 51 iconic motifs for your signature style!
read moreArtistic director Matthew M. Williams composes through notes a contemporary grammar of beauty through Givenchy Spring-Summer 2024, reflecting on a collective understanding of elegance and a modern desire for simplicity.
read moreSelebrasi Jakarta Fashion Week (JFW) 2024 diakhiri dengan pergelaran bergengsi Dewi Fashion Knights yang menampilkan 5 ksatria mode: Jan Sober, Rama Dauhan Design Studio, Byo, HIAN TJEN, dan MAHIJA.
read moreWardah presented “Timeless Elegance: Diversity in Modest Beauty” during Jakarta Muslim Fashion Week 2024 with four well-known Indonesian designers, Wardah Brand Ambassador, and Brave Beauty, and exhibited two latest innovative products.
read moreTemma Prasetio kembali mengangkat kain tenun NTT dalam koleksi menswear terbaru bertajuk “Musalaki” yang dipamerkan dalam perhelatan bergengsi Jakarta Fashion Week 2024.
read moreMerayakan 2 dekade, koleksi UNIQLO HEATTECH kini hadir dengan bahan inovatif terbaru dengan teknologi super tipis dan ringan. Pilihan tepat untuk travelling: ringan, nyaman dan hangat.
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