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Published by Sugar & Cream, Tuesday 11 July 2023

Images courtesy of ASMED Indonesia

ASMED INDONESIA: A Consultation Office For Hair Transplantation In Turkey By dr. Koray Erdogan.

Hair is an important aspect of appearance. Therefore, healthy and thick hair not only enhances one’s appearance but also boosts self-confidence. This is what makes hair transplants increasingly popular worldwide.

dr. Koray Erdogan, the founder of ASMED INDONESIA, stated that data from the American Hair Loss Association shows that 25 percent of men begin experiencing hair loss at the age of 21. By the time they reach 50 years old, 85 percent of men will experience thinning hair.

“That’s why hair transplant is in high demand,” he said during the press conference announcing the launch of ASMED INDONESIA‘s hair transplant consultation services at Hotel Dharmawangsa on Saturday (June 3rd).

dr. Koray Erdogan is an expert and a pioneer of Manual FUE in the hair transplant. Founder of ASMED Clinic and over 23 years and has a high reputation worldwide. Born 55 years ago, he established his own ASMED Hair Transplant clinic in 2001. As a hair transplant specialist, dr. Koray Erdogan actively participates and in various international conferences and accommodates hair surgeons from all over the worldwide in the workshops in his ASMED Clinic in Istanbul.

In 2004, dr. Koray Erdogan successfully developed his unique manual Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) system known as the “Sequential Technique,” which has been proven in international forums and publications. Then, in 2016, dr. Koray founded the World FUE Institute along with other world-renowned hair transplant experts. Subsequently, in 2019, dr. Koray was elected as the President of the World FUE Institute.

Under the auspices of PT Prima Mahkota Indonesia, ASMED INDONESIA operates in the field of hair transplant (beauty and personal care) with a focus on innovative medical technologies that provide natural results using the manual FUE method in the hair transplant process.

ASMED INDONESIA serves as a consultation office for hair transplantation in Turkey by dr. Koray Erdogan, located on the 3rd floor of Bimasena Building, Hotel Dharmawangsa, Jakarta.

ASMED Hair Transplant has world-class treatment facilities, including state-of-the-art equipment and tools, qualified experts and medical teams, as well as monitoring services by ASMED personnel from the beginning of the transplantation process to the final results.

Presented by Interni Cipta Selaras

According to Dr. Koray Erdogan, with the presence of ASMED INDONESIA, it will be easier for patients to access the best world-class hair transplant services. “We provide services with global standards, advanced technology, and extensive experience in the field of hair transplant,” he said.

Stanley Atmadja and Sandy Kurnia Widjaja, two Indonesian business entrepreneurs who have successfully undergone the hair transplant program by ASMED, added that the presence of ASMED INDONESIA is a significant breakthrough and provides easy access to hair transplantation consultations. “The innovation and technology introduced by ASMED are an attractive choice for anyone interested in hair transplant, especially now that this world-class standard service is more accessible with the presence of ASMED INDONESIA in Jakarta,” they explained.

Images courtesy of ASMED Indonesia

ASMED INDONESIA: A Consultation Office For Hair Transplantation In Turkey By dr. Koray Erdogan.

Rambut adalah bagian penting dari penampilan. Karena itu, rambut yang sehat dan lebat tak hanya bisa menunjang penampilan, tapi juga memperkuat kepercayaan diri. Hal inilah yang membuat transplantasi rambut (hair transplant) makin populer di dunia.

dr. Koray Erdogan, founder ASMED INDONESIA mengatakan, data American Hair Loss Association menunjukkan, 25 persen laki-laki mulai mengalami kerontokan rambut di usia 21 tahun. Lalu saat menginjak usia 50 tahun, ketebalan rambut 85 persen laki-laki akan semakin menipis. “Karena itu, hair transplant makin banyak diminati,” ujarnya dalam press conference launching layanan konsultasi hair transplant ASMED INDONESIA di Hotel Dharmawangsa, Sabtu (3/6).

dr. Koray Erdogan adalah expert yang sudah menggeluti bidang hair transplant selama lebih dari 20 tahun dan memiliki reputasi tinggi di dunia. Pria kelahiran 55 tahun yang lalu itu mendirikan klinik transplantasi rambutnya sendiri di tahun 2001. Sebagai pakar transplantasi rambut, dr. Koray Erdogan aktif berpartisipasi dan menghadiri berbagai konferensi dunia.

Pada tahun 2004, dr. Koray Erdogan berhasil mengembangkan sistem manual Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) uniknya sendiri yang dikenal dengan “Sequential Technique” yang telah dibuktikan di forum dan publikasi internasional. Selanjutnya pada tahun 2016, dr. Koray mendirikan World Fue Institute Bersama dengan pakar transplantasi rambut dunia lainnya. Kemudian pada tahun 2019, dr. Koray terpilih sebagai Presiden World Fue Institute.

Di bawah naungan PT Prima Mahkota Indonesia, ASMED INDONESIA bergerak di bidang hair transplant (beauty and personal care) dengan mengutamakan inovasi teknologi di bidang medis yang memberikan hasil alami dengan metode manual FUE dalam proses transplantasi rambut.

ASMED INDONESIA menjadi kantor konsultasi untuk penanaman rambut di Turki oleh dr. Koray Erdogan berlokasi di Gedung Bimasena lantai 3 Hotel Dharmawangsa Jakarta, ASMED Hair Transplant memiliki fasilitas perawatan yang berstandar dunia, mulai dari peralatan dan perlengkapan yang digunakan, tim ahli dan tim medis yang terkualifikasi, hingga pelayanan monitoring oleh personel ASMED dari sejak transplantasi hingga hasil transplantasi akhir.

Presented by Interni Cipta Selaras

Menurut dr. Koray Erdogan, dengan hadirnya ASMED INDONESIA, maka akan memudahkan pasien untuk mengakses layanan terbaik hair transplant kelas dunia. “Kami memberikan layanan dengan standar dunia, teknologi canggih, dan pengalaman tinggi di bidang hair transplant,” katanya.

Stanley Atmadja dan Sandy Kurnia Widjaja, dua pengusaha Indonesia yang sudah berhasil dalam program hair transplant oleh ASMED menambahkan, kehadiran ASMED INDONESIA menjadi terobosan penting dan memberikan kemudahan akses konsultasi penanaman rambut. “Inovasi dan teknologi yang dihadirkan ASMED menjadi pilihan menarik bagi siapa saja yang ingin melakukan hair transplant, apalagi sekarang layanan standar kelas dunia ini lebih mudah diakses dengan hadirnya ASMED INDONESIA di Jakarta,” jelasnya.

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