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Shop of The Month: Shop Rarities (


Published by Sugar & Cream, Wednesday 14 October 2020

Text by S&C, images courtesy of KneelandCo.

Edited Selection of Treasures for Life and Home

The best shop is not necessarily a mono brand shop. Especially when people wish to shop for objects of desire, bric-à-brac (knick knacks), curated objects from all over the world, handicraft, limited or printed prints or perhaps eccentric lamps in one place.

This month S&C introduces ‘Shop Raritis’ ( located on 4767 W. Adams Blvd, Los Angeles.

Ceramic Pine, Claudia rankin chinese dragon plate, Four Arm Candelabra, dan Mestiz palmo chair (woven palm chair pink)

Presented by Coulisse | INK

Kneeland Co. Rarities is a collection of exquisite finds from around the world. Thoughtfully sourced from artists, artisans, and dealers, each product contains a story told through process and history. Ceramics, vintage & contemporary art, found objects, and textiles make up a carefully edited selection of treasures for life and home.

Rare object-classical plastes cast no.1, 19th C.Sea Creature Print No.4 , dan Antique french calligraphy artwork no. 5

Check out their home website, most likely it will trigger your happiness and be impressed by the shop’s selection of treasures for life and home.

Gregory Parkinson surround Tablecloth-lavender rose, Gregory Parkinson Surround Napkins-Berry Ikat, dan Multi-Colored Crochet table covering 

Coulisse | INKZipblind & VF