Houses of Style and Inspiration
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131 Cove Drive: A Summer House by Artalenta (part.2)


Text by Hermawan K, Translation by Sunthy Sunowo, Images courtesy of Artalenta.

Monday 11 February 2019

Beside considering best configuration of function for the owner, Artalenta pays more attention to details like how artist implement their detail to their art works and deliver the messages to their audience. Inspiration from art galleries and art works are greatly favorable for this project. Uira explain, “We enjoy capturing the message from the art works and try to implement these inspiration into subtle detail of our design.”

Another Stage of Light ambiance Created from our Contemporary Concept of Lighting Design
Balcony Facade and Swimming Pool with Light Staged, was Designed to Captire the Vertical Character and Rhythm of the Architecture
Its a Marriage between Vertical and Horizontal, Stripes and Wave!

This house is also a sequence of stories from one room to the next. The designer configures rooms and spaces to accommodate the activities and function according to the habits and lifestyles of the owner and their family. “It is also a celebration of diversity in lifestyle, therefore none of the furniture or interior elements becomes a focal point.”

Our Extensive Series of Artwall Collections at Dining Area
Black and White Celebration for Kitchen Design

Designing interior for a summer house needs a fresh touch and for this purpose the founder of Artalenta share few tips, “Combine the right tone with the perfect material. Create the ambiance in appropriate context and perfect timing. Never forget to implement science, technology, and add some culture value to the design.”

We restore Master Bathroom 2 into a Personal Signature, One that is Harmonized with Cozy Feeling. Another Vibrancy and Geometric Precision of Hand Crafted Vanity for Guest Bedrooms
Uniqueness were always Obsessed with Diversity of Materials and Finishes
Master Wardrobe Cabinetery Shows the Outline of the Bronze and to feel the Shagreen Texture of the Surface. Master Bathroom 1 has the Perfect Dimensions for any Contemporary Bathroom Setting, Our main Feature is the free Standing Shower Cubicle.

Project Detail:

Land: 800 sqm
Building: 270 sqm(per floor), 2 floors, basement, and attic.
bedrooms: 4
bathrooms: 4

The Entrance, The Feathers and The Craftmanships
A Feature of Floating Staircase with Copper Lining and Oakwood

Dalam menggarap proyek ini, Artalenta banyak menuai inspirasi dari galeri seni melalui berbagai karya seni. “Kami senang menangkap pesan yang ingin disampaikan dari karya-karya seni tersebut dan mengimplementasikan inspirasi tersebut ke dalam detail yang tersirat.”

Another Stage of Light ambiance Created from our Contemporary Concept of Lighting Design
Balcony Facade and Swimming Pool with Light Staged, was Designed to Captire the Vertical Character and Rhythm of the Architecture
Its a Marriage between Vertical and Horizontal, Stripes and Wave!

Dengan menambahkan beragam aktivitas dan fungsi ke dalam tatanan ruang, Artalenta berupaya untuk menciptakan keseimbangan dan juga alunan cerita tentang relasi antar ruang. Menurut Artalenta, tidak ada furnitur dan aksesori tertentu yang menjadi focal point. “Semuanya merayakan diversitas gaya hidup.”

Our Extensive Series of Artwall Collections at Dining Area
Black and White Celebration for Kitchen Design

Untuk memberikan sentuhan interior yang segar ke dalam hunian, pendiri Artalenta membagikan tipsnya. “Sandingkan nada warna yang tepat dengan material yang juga tepat. Ciptakan suasana yang tepat dalam konteks yang tepat. Jangan lupakan pula untuk mengaplikasikan sains, teknologi, dan menghadirkan nilai kultur.”

We restore Master Bathroom 2 into a Personal Signature, One that is Harmonized with Cozy Feeling. Another Vibrancy and Geometric Precision of Hand Crafted Vanity for Guest Bedrooms
Uniqueness were always Obsessed with Diversity of Materials and Finishes
Master Wardrobe Cabinetery Shows the Outline of the Bronze and to feel the Shagreen Texture of the Surface. Master Bathroom 1 has the Perfect Dimensions for any Contemporary Bathroom Setting, Our main Feature is the free Standing Shower Cubicle.

Detail Proyek:

Luas tanah: 800 m2
Luas bangunan: 270 m2 (per lantai), 2 lantai dengan basement dan loteng
Jumlah kamar tidur: 4
Jumlah kamar mandi: 4

The Entrance, The Feathers and The Craftmanships
A Feature of Floating Staircase with Copper Lining and Oakwood