Houses of Style and Inspiration
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131 Cove Drive: A Summer House by Artalenta (part.1)


Text by Hermawan K, Translation by Sunthy Sunowo, Images courtesy of Artalenta .

Monday 11 February 2019

This beautiful summer house will profoundly redefine the idea of “home” with its comfortable arrangement and serene ambiance that easily brings the sensation of living by the beach. It all goes back to how the owner initially feels about the look and function of the house that are inadequate to support their habits and lifestyles.

The Front Elevation with Vertical lines of Aluskin and Indirect Striplight offers a warm Ambiance
The Garden & The Sea view from Sentosa Cove Drive
Double Volume Beneath the Balcony and Connecting Space along the Terrace and the Swimming Pool

This is where Artalenta as Petitenget Bali based firm comes with a touch of creativity and design savvy. Under the direction of Uira, Principal and Project Director, this design firm steps in to create the sensation of relax and tranquility in this dwelling through architecture, interior, and landscape. With design approach of Hampton style and beach house in America, the house seems to be reborn into a celebrity-like residential. Therefore, ‘131 Cove Drive’ name becomes so perfect.

Ensuring the Design was both Practical as well as Beautiful for the TV at Living Area
A Nook is a Cozy Little Corner Seating or a Small Area for Breakfast
Dining Space is a Combination for a Gallery of Art Scene while Enjoying the Pleasure of Eating

While creating the relax look of a house by the beach, Artalenta chooses to design elements and material with an upscale impression. Wooden door with architrave, french symmetrical windows, wooden stairs with an accent of copper elements, and white claddings are the architectural expressions that will give warm and calmness effect to the lifestyles of the owner. These are balancing notions to the structure of the house which is a combination of concrete, steel, and aluminum.

Be Inspired by the Arrangement of Attic Master Bedroom 2 which Showcase our featuring Products and other Handcrafted Pieces.
An Ocean and Earth Colour Palate with few Bold Accents, Attention to Bespoke details used on Master Bedroom 1
Guest Bedroom 1 Introduced a Variety of Fabrics for Including Velvets, Leathers and Silks. Customs Cushions and throws were made to coordinate with the Upholstery and Roller Blinds

Entering the house, the ambiance of a fresh and welcoming space greets anyone who walks in. Bright colors, a modern shaker style cabinet, decorative lamps, and metal elements such as brass, copper, and gold expression are beautifully coordinated and create a very comfortable and soothing visual sensation. Meanwhile, the choices of vegetation, synthetic rattan, golf grass, and some trees are there to complete the whole experience of the summer house with elegant landscape design.

The Vibrancy of the Gold colour can Impeccably be Worked Through Corridor, although it may be bright, Gold is and Undying Shade that Reoccurs every Season
A Spa in the Attic
Luxurious and timeless Master Bathroom 1

Definisi “home” boleh jadi terejawantahkan dengan paripurna oleh rumah musim panas yang cantik, nyaman, dan tenang ini, layaknya menikmati kehidupan yang melenakan di pesisir pantai. Proses transformasinya berangkat dari titik “kegagalan”. Hal ini terjadi pada sebuah hunian di Singapura di mana sang penghuni merasa tidak puas akan tampilan dan fungsi rumahnya. Kehadiran Artalenta kemudian berhasil mengubah keadaan dengan sentuhan kreativitas dan keahlian desain.

The Front Elevation with Vertical lines of Aluskin and Indirect Striplight offers a warm Ambiance
The Garden & The Sea view from Sentosa Cove Drive
Double Volume Beneath the Balcony and Connecting Space along the Terrace and the Swimming Pool

Di bawah arahan Uira sebagai Principal & Project Director, Artalenta yang berbasis di Petitenget, Bali, bergerak menciptakan sensasi ruang yang mendukung ketenangan dan relaksasi melalui desain arsitektur, interior, hingga lanskap. Rumah ini pun menjelma menjadi layaknya sebuah hunian selebriti dengan percikan gaya Hamptons dan rumah pantai Amerika. Nama 131 Cove Drive pun tersematkan.

Ensuring the Design was both Practical as well as Beautiful for the TV at Living Area
A Nook is a Cozy Little Corner Seating or a Small Area for Breakfast
Dining Space is a Combination for a Gallery of Art Scene while Enjoying the Pleasure of Eating

Elemen-elemen desain yang dikerahkan membentuk atmosfer kehidupan di tepi pantai, tetapi tetap berkelas. Dari segi arsitektur, terdapat cladding putih, pintu kayu dengan architrave, jendela Prancis yang simetris, dan tangga kayu dengan aksen tembaga cokelat. Struktur bangunan rumahnya sendiri mengombinasikan baja, beton, dan aluminium.

Be Inspired by the Arrangement of Attic Master Bedroom 2 which Showcase our featuring Products and other Handcrafted Pieces.
An Ocean and Earth Colour Palate with few Bold Accents, Attention to Bespoke details used on Master Bedroom 1
Guest Bedroom 1 Introduced a Variety of Fabrics for Including Velvets, Leathers and Silks. Customs Cushions and throws were made to coordinate with the Upholstery and Roller Blinds

Sementara dari aspek interior, rumah ini dipercantik oleh warna-warna cerah, lemari shaker style bernuansa modern, lampu dekoratif, serta ragam elemen metal seperti tembaga, perunggu, dan emas. Lanskap tampak elegan dengan pemilihan vegetasi yang tepat, rotan sintetis, dan rumput golf serta berpadu dengan pohon.

The Vibrancy of the Gold colour can Impeccably be Worked Through Corridor, although it may be bright, Gold is and Undying Shade that Reoccurs every Season
A Spa in the Attic
Luxurious and timeless Master Bathroom 1