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Published by Sugar & Cream, Tuesday 06 February 2024

Images courtesy of ICAD

Life at the Intersection of Design, Art, and Everything in Between

Pioneering the convergence of diverse perspectives, the much-anticipated book, UNDESIGNED! was launched on Wednesday, January 24, 2024, at Art & Science, ASHTA.

The groundbreaking publication, initiated by Diana Nazir, co-written with Staphanie Mamonto, and designed by Studio Woork, aims to transcend traditional design paradigms by exploring the multidisciplinary mindset and extraordinary creative processes that challenge conventional ideas through their “undesign” paradigm.

In her statement, Diana Nazir, an esteemed professional in the interior design industry with over 30 years of experience, reflects on the nature of designing as problem-solving, treating each project as a challenge that involves creating relevant solutions and improving people’s lives. She shares her belief in the importance of working across disciplines, emphasizing that the most exciting innovations happen at the intersection of various fields. Motivated by a love for art, she has infused creativity into her design thinking throughout her three-decade career.

Presented by Galleria

UNDESIGNED!, offering thoughts and quotes by prominent professionals, aims to shed light on how the approach of “undesigning” (breaking boundaries and finding alternative solutions) applies in different fields. This book features Adi Panuntun, Danton Sihombing, Dewi Lestari, Dolorosa Sinaga, Garin Nugroho, Giulio Cappellini, Hilmar Farid, Io Woo, Raul Renanda, Ria Lirungan, Rinaldy A. Yunardi and Sandiaga Uno, along with comments from Triawan Munaf, Rosan P. Roeslani, and Irawan Karseno.

Enriched with photographs by the talented Kavin No’eman, UNDESIGNED! was officially launched during a series of events at Art&Science, ASHTA.

The special showcase will continue to be open to the general public from 9:00 to 22:00 until January 31, 2024. Featuring an art installation, it allows attendees to explore the intersection of design, art, and culture through the lens of UNDESIGNED!.

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