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Published by Sugar & Cream, Tuesday 23 April 2024


Showcasing a Collective Exhibition of Korean Design, Crafts, and Art in Galleria Rossana Orlandi

The Korean Craft & Design Foundation, sponsored by the Ministry of Culture, Sport and Tourism of Korea, presents Thoughts on Thickness in sections Part_1 In Variation in Thickness, Part_2 SOBAK, Part_3 MADANG of Coexistence, curated by Choi Jooyeon, at the Galleria Rossana Orlandi in Milan.

This project offers a deep immersion in the artistic and cultural identity of Korea that makes the confines between art and design hazy, creating a new cultural landscape that freely crosses over from one discipline to another.

The exhibition Thoughts on Thickness is divided into three distinct parts. The first one – In Variation in Thickness – offers a reflection on contemporary Korean crafts where the power of material creates a variety of volumes – at times thin, at times thick. The eleven artists transform ordinary materials into works of art that go beyond practical usefulness and become works for contemplation. The exhibition aims to capture the charm of materials and techniques that penetrate the era of Korean crafts by focussing on four keywords: point of view, attitude, curiosity, and humanity. In this age of images rich in beauty, attention paid to matter is becoming more superficial; therefore, it is ever so necessary to adopt a way of thinking that restores to crafts, which represent values going beyond each single object, and their proper status.

Presented by Zipblind

The second part – SOBAK – captures feelings and the aesthetics of simplicity that define Korean culture, alluding to the passing of time during the tea ceremony. Spectators are invited to explore the essence of nature and objects by assuming an attitude of respect and contemplation. In Korean culture, the act of drinking tea and the leisurely ritual of preparing tea is given careful attention; indeed, the exhibition is meant to be a search for moments of reflection and sharing. Purity () refers to the original white thread that has not been dyed; Simplicity () refers to a tree trunk that has just been cut down in the woods, symbolizing an original natural shape free from artificial manipulations. In everyday life, simplicity implies modesty with nothing superfluous; aesthetically, it contains the prospect of contemplating the depth of nature. Within the aesthetic conscience of Korea that embraces nature and builds a receptive bond, you can find the courage to explore the essence of nature, humanity, and objects, setting a limit on non-essential elements that are merely ornamental.

Finally, in the third part – MADANG of Coexistence – visitors will have the chance to immerse themselves in a unique experience in the garden of the gallery where, by following the structure of a traditional Korean house, they will find a space where they can get together and communicate.

By exploring and discovering the three parts, the exhibition aims to stimulate reflection, starting with the artists and their works, and then going on to learn more about social and philosophical values. The spectators are encouraged to gain insight into Korean culture and develop empathy towards it.

Participating Artists and Brands:

Heesook Ko, Minwook Kim, Yongkyoung Kim, Jeomsoo Na, Gangyong Park, Hyejung Shin, Hyejin Shin, Namgwon Lyu, Sekyung Lee, Jiyong Lee, Myoungwook Huh

Youngjun Kang, Goyeonsanbang, Kilsungyo, Sinjeong Seo, OMA Space, Namgwon Lyu, Changwon Lee, Seoyoon Rim, Janghyun Cho, Yujung Huh, Seongil Hong, Wookyung Hong

Archi@Mosphere (Supported by Fragmenti)

<Ceremony Korean Tea>
Sansuhwa Teahouse

Korea Craft &Design Foundation Galleria Rossana Orlandi
Via Matteo Bandello 16: 15th – 21st April 2024
Press preview: 14th April 2024 | from 9.00 am to 8.00 pm
Opening party: 15th April 2024 | from 5 pm to 8.00 pm | by invitation only
Open to the public: 15th – 21st April: 9:30 am – 8:00 pm 17th April: 9:30 am – 5:00 pm

Molteni&CCoulisse | INKZipblind & VF