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Published by Sugar & Cream, Wednesday 21 September 2022

Images courtesy of SANIHARTO

Rich, Vibrant, and Glamour

Sebagai perusahaan furniture kelas atas yang telah berkecimpung di dunia interior selama lebih dari 30 tahun, SANIHARTO terus berinovasi seiring dengan perkembangan desain dan tren dunia interior. Seiring dengan pameran The Colours of Indonesia berjudul ‘Chapter V’ berlangsung di Senayan City Jakarta dari tanggal 20-30 September 2022, SANIHARTO akan meluncurkan koleksi terbaru bertajuk FLEUVE. Koleksi ini adalah hasil kolaborasi dengan desainer Vivianne Faye, salah satu desainer dari ID 12 (The Colours of Indonesia)

Koleksi Fleuve by SANIHARTO X Vivianne Faye akan diluncurkan di Atrium Senayan City, Jakarta pada Rabu, 21 September 2022.

FLEUVE is the first collaboration between SANIHARTO X Vivianne Faye inspired by the flow of nature as the highlight. It is like a river flow that naturally creates a continuous flow line from the highlands to the ocean. Fleuve is here to break the rigidity of existing furniture into a more organic form without leaving the function and aesthetics of a product so that the product is not only functional but also an art piece by itself. The eclectic design style of each furniture element combines to create a unique language without leaving the impression of being comfortable in a space.“

Presented by Saniharto

Acara     :  The Launching of Fleuve by SANIHARTO X Vivianne Faye
Waktu   :  Wednesday, September 21 2022, 17.00 – 19.00
Lokasi    : Senayan City GF no.F #10(ex. Salvatore Ferragamo)
RSVP      :  +62 812 -9087 -2478

Fleuve by SANIHARTO X Vivianne Faye menghadirkan koleksi mewah dan elegan yang terdiri dari meja konsol, kursi makan, credenza, meja makan, coffee table, lounge chair, dan sebagainya.

Come and witness the extraordinary Fleuve by SANIHARTO X Vivianne Faye!

Molteni&CCoulisse | INKZipblind & VF