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Published by Sugar & Cream, Friday 10 September 2021

Text by S&C, images courtesy of EDIDA & antoniolupi

Fusion of Material Experimentation & Italian Tradition

Wash basin Borghi kreasi Gumdesign (Laura Fiaschi dan Gabriele Pardi) untuk antoniolupi menjadi pemenang utama EDIDA 2021 untuk kategori ‘Bathroom’.

“Material experimentation and Italian tradition come together in an original combination in this line of freestanding sinks. The peculiarity is the cork base , natural or toasted, which supports sinks in Cristalmood, a transparent resin patented by the brand. The line is signed by the Tuscans Gumdesign, alias Laura Fiaschi and Gabriele Pardi, who take inspiration from Bolgheri, the enchanting village in Maremma, for the nuances Gran Cru, Oleo and Ceruleo that recall the colors of olive trees, wine and the sky. ” – Elle Décor Italia.

“Research, innovation and avant-garde have always been synonymous with the work of antoniolupi which in recent years has seen its range enriched with unique objects, as well as unusual and fascinating projects. Once again, the Tuscan company amazes with a new challenge that sees as its fulcrum, cork, an ancient and multifaceted material, interpreted according to the company’s design philosophy come together with the creative flair of Gumdesign. “- Andrea Lupi.

Presented by Le Château Living

Koleksi antoniolupi tersedia resmi di Le Château Living, Jalan Barito II No. 35, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan 12130.

Pada tanggal 7 September 2021 bertempat di Villa Necchi Campiglio, Milan label ternama antoniolupi menerima penghargaan EDIDA 2021 (Elle Décor International Design Awards) untuk kategori ‘Bathroom’ untuk wash basin Borghi. Penghargaan desain yang dianggap setara dengan piala Oscar ini melibatkan 25 editors-in-chief dari majalah terkemuka Elle Decoration. Borghi menampilkan perpaduan kontras antara inovasi Cristalmood (patented by antoniolupi) sebagai wadah cuci tangan dengan struktur kakinya terbuat dari natural cork/gabus alami (eco-sustainable value)

Malam acara penghargaan EDIDA yang terdiri dari 15 kategori diselenggarakan secara virtual pada malam itu.

Simak lebih lanjut para pemenang EDIDA 2021 di sini.

Huge congratulations to Gumdesign (Laura Fiaschi dan Gabriele Pardi) and antoniolupi with the latest award from EDIDA 2021.

Molteni&CCoulisse | INKZipblind & VF