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Published by Sugar & Cream, Tuesday 21 February 2023

Text and images courtesy of Andrés Reisinger & Giulia Castelli Agency

A New Digital Art Installation: London, New York, Paris, Tokyo & Rome

Digital artist and designer Andrés Reisinger presents “Take Over”, a new thought-provoking digital art installation series that challenges the notion of “reality”. Unveiled on the artist’s social media feed, “Take Over” uncannily converges the physical and digital realms, proposing a new and democratic understanding of their possible interactions. Transcending physical geographical boundaries, the new series takes place in major international capitals all over the world, proposing a pink-lead enveloping experience to be enjoyed as a community.



With “Take Over”, Reisinger continues to explore a new intersection between art and technology, between the physical and the digital realms. The artist treats his social media channels similarly to a real estate platform; as soon as Reisinger posted the various “Take Over” artworks’ expressions on his Instagram, questions on addresses and exhibition hours to visit the installation in person began to arise. This alluring confusion between physicality and abstraction permeates much of Reisinger’s work, proposing a new way of experiencing art and encouraging viewers to question their own assumptions about what constitutes a “real” work of art. And in fact, the term “reality” finds a new definition in Reisinger’s practice: what could be and should be considered “real”? According to the artist, anything that forms an experience is real; whether it be in the digital or physical spheres become secondary. Intended exactly as an experience, by choosing social media as the stage for “Take Over”, Reisinger renders the artwork accessible to a wide audience, in turn reflecting on the theme of art’s democratisation. This has always been a key focus in the artist’s practice, and “Take Over” serves as an experiment to exemplify how technology can be engaged by art to bring people together and build a sense of community. The project, taking place simultaneously in several international capitals, transcends geographical boundaries and invites the world to participate in a shared digital experience.

New York

New York

Presented by Melandas Indonesia

Taking cities, physical spaces experienced by humans in their day to day life, Reisinger envelops some of the most recognizable neighbourhoods in fluid installations, inspired by the peculiarities of each capital: Paris, in refined and minimalistic silhouettes, New York, in extravagant and performative coverings, London, in layers of various and diverse textures, Tokyo, in an explosion of majestic and entertaining scenographies, Rome, in cloaks reminiscent of Cinecittà’s glamour. Reisinger uses the digital to build a theatrical performance where the streets themselves become protagonists of a new play. “Take Over”’s pastel colours, organic forms, and surrealist environments are all nods to Reisinger’s affection for dreamlike and surrealist imagery.



“Have you ever encountered a gentlelady in a pink fur coat? She is intriguing, a visual experience that teases a fashion show or some other type of “in real life” experience. Instead of following the white rabbit, follow the pink lady, in whatever realm she might take you” – Andrés Reisinger (@Reisingerandres)





Coulisse | INKZipblind & VF