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Published by Sugar & Cream, Friday 09 February 2024

Text and images courtesy of ROH Projects

February 01 -25, 2024 – A Group Exhibition That Concentrates on Paper As A Medium

ROH proudly presents Unbearable Lightness, a group exhibition that concentrates on how artists have been applying paper as a medium to express their respective practices. The title refers to Milan Kundera’s eponymous, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, in which the title itself encapsulates the existential philosophies explored in the book, that the notion of human existence is inherently “light”, lacking inherent meaning or purpose.

Agung, Irfan, dan Jiieh

Kundera contrasts this view, alternatively, with the notion of “heaviness”, where existence contains significant consequences as well as burdens of responsibility. The exhibition considers the way in which the relative lightness or heaviness of paper has been manifested in the works of the artists in this show—both in terms of its fundamental materiality, as well as its conceptual or narrative underpinnings—through varied approaches pertaining to the medium. How do artists add weight to / through something inherently so light?

Installation – Irfan Hendrian, Tiffany Chung, dan Ayesha Sultana

Inside the world of paper that is both light and brittle, there lies a whole reality full of possibilities, as composed by Solaia Suherman in a poem written as a response to the show.

Presented by Galleria

Installation – Ayesha Sultana, Tiffany Chung, dan Irfan Hendrian

Unbearable Lightness is produced in collaboration with The Back Room (Malaysia), Sullivan + Strumpf (Singapore/Australia), Silverlens (Philippines), Kiang Malingue (Hong Kong), Whistle (South Korea), and Crèvecœur (France).

chi too

The exhibition opens by invitation only on 27 January 2024 and to the public starting on 1 through 25 February 2024.

Aurora Arazzi – House of Cards

Unbearable Lightness:  Agung Kurniawan, Aurora Arazzi, Ayesha Sultana, Carmen Ceniga Prado, Chi Too, Davy Linggar, Eko Nugroho, Ipeh Nur, Irfan Hendrian, Jiieh G. Hur, Julian Abraham “Togar”, Luqi Lukman, Maria Taniguchi, Reina Sugihara, Syaiful Aulia Garibaldi, Tiffany Chung, Wolfgang Matuschek.

Ayesha Sultana – untitled

Coulisse | INKZipblind & VF